====== Accounting data export using the IPFIX format ====== {{indexmenu_n>4}} Starting from the VAS Experts DPI version 8.0, accounting data along with the Radius protocol data can also be exported using the ipfix format. Ipfix export is configured by the following parameters in fastpcrf.conf: ipfix_dev=em1 ipfix_udp_collectors=, ipfix_tcp_collectors= here ''em1'' is the name of network interface used to export\\ ''ipfix_udp_collectors'' are the udp collectors addresses\\ ''ipfix_tcp_collectors'' are the tcp collectors addresses\\ Only "in use" collector addresses should be specified: for example, if only the UDP collector is supported then there is no need to specify the ''ipfix_tcp_collectors''. Шаблон: ^№ ^Number of bytes ^Data type ^IANA ^Description^ |1001 |4 |int32 |43823 |TIMESTAMP| |4001 |4 |int32 |43823 |AAA event type: 0 - beginning, 1 - end, 2 - update| |4002 |- |string |43823 |Accounting session ID (max. length is 64 bytes)| |1003 |4 |ipv4 |43823 |IPv4 address, in case of IPv6 it is equal to 0| |1103 |16 |ipv6 |43823 |IPv6 address, in case of IPv4 it is equal to 0 (::)| |1002 |- |string |43823 |LOGIN| |4003 |4 |int32 |43823 |Connection type| |4004 |- |string |43823 |Calling-Station-Id| |4005 |- |string |43823 |Called-Station-Id| |4006 |4 |ipv4 |43823 |NAS-IP-Address, in case of IPv6 it is equal to 0| |4106 |16 |ipv6 |43823 |NAS-IPv6-Address, in case of IPv4 it is equal to 0 (::)| |4007 |4 |int32 |43823 |NAS-Port| |4008 |8 |int64 |43823 |Incoming bytes number| |4009 |8 |int64 |43823 |Outcoming bytes number| Connection types (value of the Framed-Protocol Radius attribute): ^Type ^Description^ |0 | Attribute is not specified| |1 | PPP| |2 | SLIP| |3 | AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP)| |4 | Gandalf proprietary SingleLink/MultiLink protocol| |5 | Xylogics proprietary IPX/SLIP| |6 | X.75 Synchronous| |7 | GPRS PDP Context| Ipfixreceiver configuration: [InfoModel] InfoElements = timestamp, 43823, 1001, SECONDS, True event_type, 43823, 4001, INT32, True acct_session_id, 43823, 4002, STRING source_ip4, 43823, 1003, IP4ADDR, True source_ip6, 43823, 1103, IP6ADDR login, 43823, 1002, STRING conn_type, 43823, 4003, INT32, True calling_station_id,43823, 4004, STRING called_station_id, 43823, 4005, STRING NAS_ip4, 43823, 4006, IP4ADDR, True NAS_ip6, 43823, 4106, IP6ADDR NAS_port, 43823, 4007, INT32, True input_bytes, 43823, 4008, UINT64, True output_bytes, 43823, 4009, UINT64, True [ExportModelFile] Delimiter = ; ExportElements = timestamp, seconds, %%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S event_type acct_session_id source_ip4, decodeipv4 source_ip6, decodeipv6 login conn_type calling_station_id called_station_id NAS_ip4, decodeipv4 NAS_ip6, decodeipv6 NAS_port input_bytes output_bytes A list of the correspondence between the Protocol and the port number in netfow5 can be found [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics:statistics_info|here]].