====== QoE subscribers exporting to the advertising campaigns ====== {{indexmenu_n>1}} In the “QoE Subscribers” section there is a feature allowing to create an advertising campaign and export a list of filtered subscribers. Go to the QoE ''ANALYTICS/SUBSCRIBERS'' section. Select a filter. Click the “Add Subscribers to Camping” button. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:vas_experts_dpiui2_qoe_subscribers_adv_export_1.png?400 |}} Enter the campaign profile (a new one will be created if there is no profile yet). At the next step, enter the campaign name (you will create a new one if there is no campaign yet). {{ en::dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:vas_experts_dpiui2_qoe_subscribers_adv_export_2.png?400 |}} At the next step, the campaign edit form will be opened. You can fill in or edit data. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:vas_experts_dpiui2_qoe_subscribers_adv_export_3.png?400 |}} Finally, you need to choose a way to export subscribers: either by the IP address or login. If necessary, limit the number of subscribers. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:vas_experts_dpiui2_qoe_subscribers_adv_export_4.png?400 |}}