====== HotSpot management ====== {{indexmenu_n>10}} * [[#Web Server Configuration]] * [[#Wi-Fi Authorization Configuration]] * [[#Click wrap configuration]] * [[#DHCP config]] * [[#Tariff Configuration]] * [[#Service Management]] * [[#Portal Appearance Settings]] * [[#Language settings]] This section appeared in version 2.6.6. The description of the module that this section interacts with is available at [[dpi:dpi_components:module_wi-fi_hotspot|link]]. To go to the section, open the "Service Management" menu and click "Hotspot". {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_section.png?400 |}} The section looks like the picture below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_section_view.png?600 |}} === Web Server Configuration === In this form, you must provide the following information: * Select an existing device from the list, or create a new device for HotSpot. In order to create new equipment, click on the "+" button to the right of the input field, after which a form for creating new equipment will appear (working with equipment is described in the section [[#equipment_management|Equipment management]]), in which you will need to create equipment with type "Dpi WiFi Web". After creation, select this equipment from the drop-down list. The form for creating new equipment is presented below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_equipment.png?400 |}} * Captive portal URL - A White List service profile will be created/modified with the entered URL. Profile name - hotspot_white_list_profile * Session lifetime - Used if Wi-Fi authorization is enabled. Time is indicated in seconds (default - 3600 sec (1 hour)) * URL for redirect - after authorization on the Hotspot portal, the subscriber will be redirected to this page (redirected to https://google.com if the field is empty) === Wi-Fi authorization configuration === In this part, you can enable/disable the Wi-Fi authorization function. The following authorization options are currently possible: * By receiving an authorization code via SMS (Setup form will be presented later). * By receiving an authorization code on an incoming call (The configuration form will be presented later). * Debug mode. Details are available by clicking the "?" to the right of the "switch" of the debug mode. The form for setting up authorization by SMS and incoming call is presented below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_requests.png?400 |}} In this form, you must specify data on requests that initiate the sending of an SMS/call. The appearance of the Hotspot portal with Wi-Fi authorization enabled (by incoming call and Debug mode) is shown below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:dpiui2_hotspot_debug_mode.png?400 |}} === Click wrap configuration === Enabling this feature allows you to show subscribers the text of a public offer, with which they must agree in order to use your services. The appearance of the portal with Click wrap enabled is shown below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_click_wrap.png?400 |}} === DHCP configuration === 1. Configure [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:subscriber_management:subsman_remote#remote_execution_of_ssh_commands|remote commands via SSH]] 2. Set on the trigger to issue a new IP: * In case of using HotSpot as a portal for Wi-Fi authorization: ssh dpi_user@dpi_host "/var/dpiui2/add_captive_portal_auth.sh " * In case of using HotSpot **ONLY** as a Click Offer portal: ssh dpi_user@dpi_host "/var/dpiui2/add_captive_portal_click_wrap.sh " === Tariff configuration === In this form, it is possible to configure the parameters of tariff plans applicable to subscribers during Wi-Fi authorization. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:skat_dpiui2_hotspot_rates.png?400 |}} The rates in the form correspond to the following DPI names: * Tariff for authorization - wifi_hotspot_auth_policing; * Free Wi-Fi tariff - wifi_hotspot_policing. It is set to the subscriber after authorization on the portal; * Tariff for paid Wi-Fi - wifi_hotspot_payed_policing. Interaction with this tariff plan is under development. === Service Management === In this form, it is possible to configure the services connected to the subscriber after he has been authorized on the portal. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_services.png?400 |}} The following services are currently available: * 2. Advertising - no profile * 3. Ad blocking - no profile * 4. Blacklist - with the ability to select a profile * 11. CGNAT - with the ability to select a profile * 50. Notification - no profile === Portal appearance settings === In this section it is possible to change the icon (favicon) and logo displayed on the portal page. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:dpiui2_hotspot_view_settings.png?400 |}} === Language settings === In this section, it is possible to add and configure localization languages ​​for the portal. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:skat_dpiui2_hotspot_languages.png?400 |}} 1. To add a new language, click on the "+" button. In the window that appears, select the required language and click the "Add" button. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_add_language.png?400 |}} 2. In order to edit the values ​​of the selected language, double-click on the line you need in the table with values ​​and Enter the line you need. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:scat_dpiui2_hotspot_edit_language.png?400 |}}