======Session Policing====== [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_shaping:shaping_session|Configuring Session Policing via CLI]] You can manage Session Policing in the GUI under SSG control → Services → Session Policings.\\ The process of configuring session policing consists of two steps: - Creating a service profile and configuring policing within the profile: selecting protocols and assigning them priority (policing class) or speed. - Overlaying a Policing Profile on a subscriber. =====Creating and customizing the Service Profile===== Create a profile to which we will then add protocols and configure policies.\\ One protocol can be added to different profiles, and one profile can be overlaid on multiple subscribers. To create a profile, you need to perform the following actions on the corresponding panel: - Press the **+** (Add Profile) button. - Enter a profile name - Save\\ {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:profile_creation.png?nolink&450|}} - Add the necessary protocols to the created profile: click the + (Add Protocol) button on the Protocols panel - Fill in the details of the protocol/protocol group: * Select Mode (Protocol or Protocols Group), fill in the name of the protocol or select the name of the group from the drop-down list * Prioritize the selected protocol or group. There are two ways to do this: set the priority or rate.\\ Description of parameters: * The **Priority** parameter overrides the class with respect to global DSCP markup * With the **Inbound rate** and **Outbound rate** parameters, you can set the traffic rate for a particular session * The parameters **Burst inbound rate** and **Burst outbound rate** show what the short-term rate interruption equals - Save\\ {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:profile_filling.png?nolink&450|}} =====Applying Session Policing to a Subscriber===== Before applying a profile to a subscriber, it is necessary to enable the profile by clicking on the "Start" icon to the left of the profile or above the profile table: {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:profile_start.png?nolink&450|}} From the graphical interface, you can overlay a service profile on a subscriber in two ways: - [[dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing#per_subscriber_on_the_list|Per subscriber on the list]] - [[dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing#to_multiple_or_all_subscribers_in_the_list|To a multiple or all subscribers in the list]] You can apply session policing to a large list of subscribers at once via the console, the command syntax is described in the section [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:subscriber_management:policing_mng]]. ====Per subscriber on the list==== - Open the profile editing window - Activate service 18 - Session Policings by clicking the checkbox next to it and select the desired profile - Save {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:enable_service_for_one.png?nolink&550|}} ====To multiple or all subscribers in the list==== - Check the required subscribers or select the whole list using the checkbox in the table header. - Open the service configuration window\\ {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:enable_service_for_multiple_1.png?nolink&450|}} - Activate service 18 - Session Policing by clicking the checkbox next to it and select the desired profile - Save\\ {{:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:services:session_policing:enable_service_for_multiple_2.png?nolink&550|}} In the debugging and testing mode, assigning services to a subscriber can be done in the GUI.\\ In industrial operation mode, it is recommended to do this with the help of billing: [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_billing|by the PUSH method]] or [[dpi:bras_bng:radius_integration|with Radius]], and use the GUI to __track__ the settings made.