====== Hardware requirements ====== {{indexmenu_n>1}} The media server operates in connection with the installed DPI platform. [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_cache|It is configured by DPI platform]]. To support media server, the DPI platform can be operated inline, or on the outbound traffic only, or even use PBR configuration on port 80 of the outbound traffic. The media server is a computer with the dedicated software. It runs WEB server NGINX. It is connected into the operator's network in the common way of WEB server connection. The media server software requires [[veos:installation|VEOS]]. Here are the minimal requirements for an operator with overall external bandwidth 100 Gb/s (expected cache load is up to 20% of the overall bandwidth): - DPI platform (for outbound traffic only): DPI-40 Complete - The computer: 2 x Xeon E5-2650v2 32 GB RAM 24 X 2TB HD 7200 RPM (RAID-10 is optional) 2 x 10GB Ethernet to deliver the content to subscribers 1 x 10Gb Ethernet for controls and content upload The given configuration is an example for the DPI-40 Complete platform. For DPI-6/20, the configuration may vary.