{{indexmenu_n>7}} ====== Configuring on-stick and LAG/LACP ====== ===== Configuring on-stick ===== Blog: [[https://vasexperts.com/blog/dpi/on-stick-a-new-mode-of-the-stingray-service-gateway-to-save-router-ports/|On-stick — a new mode of the Stingray Service Gateway to save router ports]] [FastDPI 12+] On-stick allows you to save on physical hardware. FastDPI usually works with bridges, bridging two physical ports (devices). For an on-stick device the physical port is one, on which fastDPI itself creates virtual ports - on the subscriber side (''subs'') and internet side (''inet''). {{ :dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_inst_spec:dpi_onstick:onstick.png?nolink&550 |}} Each op-stick port is described in a specific way: first the base physical port is described using ''dpdk_device'', then the virtual ports based on the base port are described.\\ Description of the base devices: dpdk_device=port1:pci:04:00.0 dpdk_device=port2:pci:04:00.1 Description of on-stick based on devices ''port'': onstick_device { base=port1 filter= subs=subs1 inet=inet1 } onstick_device { base=port2 filter= subs=subs2 inet=inet2 } where:\\ ''base'' — base device\\ ''filter'' — boolean expression to determine the direction of the packet (filter). If this expression returns ''true'', the packet is from the ''subs'' side, otherwise it is from the ''inet'' side\\ ''subs'' — the name of the device on the ''subs'' side.\\ ''inet'' — the name of the device on the ''inet'' side. Setting Bridges. Basic ''port'' type devices CANNOT be included in any bridges in_dev=subs1:subs2 out_dev=inet1:inet2 Wherever you need to specify a device, you should use virtual devices (in this example, ''subs1'', ''subs2'' and ''inet1'', ''inet2''). The basic on-stick devices ''port1'' and ''port2'' is specified only when describing the on-stick device and nowhere else. In the on-stick port description, the most important part is the ''filter'' clause to determine the direction of the packet (subs -> inet or inet -> subs). Packet direction is an important attribute of a packet in fastDPI on which processing depends. ''filter'' specifies a boolean expression over the L2 properties of the packet. If this expression returns ''true'', the packet is on the ''subs'' side, otherwise it is on the ''inet'' side (uplink, internet). The basis of a ''filter'' expression are terms that are combined into a logical expression using the logical operators ''&'' (AND) and ''|'' (OR), the parentheses ''('' and ''')'', and the negation '''!''. The ''&'' operator is higher priority than ''|''; by analogy with arithmetic expressions, we can think of ''&'' as multiplication and ''|'' as addition, which is the basis for placing parentheses. Terms specify elementary expressions over L2 properties of a packet. The following terms exist (case is important): * ''vlan(list)''. - a single VLAN packet with the specified VLAN numbers, e.g.: ''vlan(56,78,890)'' * ''vlan'' is a packet with any single VLAN. * ''qinq'' is a Q-in-Q packet. * ''pppoe'' is a PPPoE packet. * ''smac(MAC address)'' - source MAC address of the packet, example: ''smac(01:02:03:04:05:06)'' * ''dmac(MAC address)'' - destination MAC address of the packet, example: ''dmac(01:02:03:04:05:07)'' Examples (recall that ''filter'' specifies an expression for the subs side): * subscriber-side Q-in-Q network terminated in a single VLAN: ''filter=qinq'' * heterogeneous network: subscriber-side Q-in-Q or PPPoE in a VLAN: ''filter=qinq | pppoe''. Here, the fact that PPPoE is encapsulated in a VLAN is irrelevant: PPPoE is terminated by BRAS, so PPPoE on the inet side is not possible. * single VLAN, on the inet side VLAN=609, all other VLANs are subs: ''filter=vlan & !vlan(609)''. Here we need to explain in more detail. For the inet side, the filter expression would look like this: ''filter=vlan(609)'', but the filter defines the expression for the subs side, so it would seem that the negation is enough: ''filter=!vlan(609)''. But this expression will be true for any packet other than the packet with VLAN=609, even without VLAN. So you should specify that the packet **should** contain a single VLAN tag, but except for VLAN=609: ''filter=vlan & !vlan(609)'' * on the inet side, the MAC address of the borderer is 3c:fd:fe:ed:b8:ad: ''filter=!smac(3c:fd:fe:ed:b8:ad)''. - all packets with source MAC not equal to the Border MAC address are subs-side packets. A formal description of the grammar of the ''filter'' expression: filter ::= and | and ‘|’ filter and ::= mult | mult ‘&’ and mult ::= ‘!’ mult | term | ‘(‘ filter ‘)’ term ::= vlan | qinq | pppoe | smac | dmac vlan ::= ‘vlan’ | ‘vlan’ ‘(‘ list_int ‘)’ qinq ::= ‘qinq’ pppoe ::= ‘pppoe’ smac ::= ‘smac’ ‘(‘ mac_address ‘)’ dmac ::= ‘dmac’ ‘(‘ mac_address ‘)’ mac_address ::= xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx =====LAG/LACP port aggregation===== Port aggregation by SSG is supported for the following modes [[dpi:dpi_brief:install_point_ssg:instruction_instal|in-line]] и [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_inst_spec:dpi_onstick#configuring_on-stick|on-stick]]. ====LACP port aggregation==== lacp=0 Allowable values of the ''lacp'' parameter:\\ * 0 (default) - LACP is disabled, SSG does not hold LAG, but freely skips it * 1 - LAG in passive mode: we don't send periodic LACPDUs, but we respond to LACPDUs that arrive * 2 - LAG in active mode: we send periodic LACPDUs. The aggregation traces the traffic balancing. ====Configuring LAG==== LAGs can include either regular ports or on-stick ports, no mixing is allowed. LAG on on-stick is organized on the base (physical) port. LAG is implemented in fastDPI at logical level: there is no single bond device, inside fastDPI work is done with ports as before. The maximum number of ports in a LAG is 12. 3 different configurations are possible: * LAG on the ''subs'' side, no LAG on the ''inet'' side * LAG on the ''inet'' side, no LAG on the ''subs'' side. * LAG on the ''subs'' side AND on the ''inet'' side Requirements for devices included in a LAG: * a device can only be part of one LAG device; * all devices in a LAG must have the same speed; Currently, LAGs are configured in ''fastdpi.conf'' without the ability to be applied on the fly, i.e. a fastDPI restart is required when the LAG configuration is changed. LAG Description:\\ Each LAG requires a separate ''lag'' section. Only physical interfaces can be included in a LAG; mixing physical and logical interfaces is not allowed. lag { name= device= device= system_id= priority= short_timeout= } where:\\ ''name'' - optional name of the LAG, used for log output.\\ ''device'' - lists all physical interfaces included in the LAG. The LAG must contain at least 2 devices.\\ ''system_id'' - MAC address is the ''system_id'' of this LAG. If not specified, "arp_mac" is used.\\ ''priority'' - system priority for this LAG, number in the range 1 - 65535, default is 32768.\\ ''short_timeout'' - short (off) or long (on) LACP timeout. ====Applying balancing to outgoing LAG traffic==== The type of the applied balancing algorithm is specified by the ''lag.balance_algo'' parameter: * ''0'' - balancing by internal ''session_id'' (default balancing). The ''session_id'' is used as the hash. * ''1'' - no balancing - the packet will be sent to the paired bridge port. * ''2'' - hash from ''flow key ''. If there is no flow - balance by ''session_id'' Additional hash configuration parameters in the ''lag'' section: ''hash_seed'', ''hash_offset'', ''hash_bits''\\ How many significant bits we take from the 64-bit hash during balancing. The balancing algorithm in the general case looks like this: * calculate a 64-bit hash of certain packet fields and ''hash_seed''; * from the 64-bit hash we take the ''hash_bits'' bits starting from the ''hash_offset'' bit; * use the resulting number N to determine the port number in LAG: ''port := N mod LAG_active_port_count'', i.e.port := ((hash(packet, hash_seed) >> hash_offset) & (2^hash_bits - 1)) mod LAG_active_port_countExample: // +------------------------------------------------+ // hash: | XXXXXXXXXX------| // +------------------------------------------------+ // ^ ^ // | hash_offset = 6 // hash_bits = 10 Only basic on-stick devices must be specified in the LAG description. Mixing on-stick and conventional devices in one LAG is not allowed. During aggregation, a traffic balancing trace is traced. ====Example of on-stick + LACP configuration for two physical interfaces==== In this scenario, subscriber traffic in VLANs 101, 102, and QinQ dpdk_device=port1:pci:86:00.0 dpdk_device=port2:pci:86:00.1 lag { name=LACP device=86:00.1 device=86:00.0 lacp=1 system_id=6c:b3:11:60:fa:66 priority=32768 balance_algo=0 } onstick_device { base=port1 filter=vlan(101,102) | qinq subs=subs1 inet=inet1 } onstick_device { base=port2 filter=vlan(101,102) | qinq subs=subs2 inet=inet2 } in_dev=subs1:subs2 out_dev=inet1:inet2