===== List of dictionaries ===== {{indexmenu_n>2}} ==== Dictionary asnum_dic ==== Dictionary of network protocols. Cloud dictionary, loaded on schedule. Not editable. Example of dictionary asnum_dic 0 -Reserved AS-, ZZ 1 LVLT-1, US 2 UDEL-DCN, US 3 MIT-GATEWAYS, US 4 ISI-AS, US 5 SYMBOLICS, US 6 BULL-HN, US 7 DSTL, GB 8 RICE-AS, US ... Columns : - AS number - AS name Для принудительной загрузки словаря, выполните: sh /var/qoestor/backend/app_bash/cron_daily.sh ==== Dictionaries asnum_local_dic and subnets_local_dic ==== These dictionaries list your local ASs and local subnets. Dictionaries are used to determine the direction of traffic (relevant when DPI is set on the mirror) and filtering subscribers (so that IP addresses of hosts do not appear in reports on subscribers) Example of dictionary **asnum_local_dic** 12345 LOCAL 65535 UNKNOWN The first column is the AS number, second is title (displayed in reports) . Example of dictionary **subnets_local_dic** LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL 2a02:2168:aaa:bbbb::2 LOCAL The first column is the IP address or CIDR, the second is the name (not displayed in reports, but the dictionary format requires). To control filtering by these dictionaries, use the SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE and TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE parameters. See section [[dpi:dpi_components:qoestor:configuration|Configuration]]. Do not add too large a subnet. Break it down into small pieces. Limit - 100,000,000 ==== Dictionaries asnum_exclude_dic and subnets_exclude_dic ==== These dictionaries contain a list of your AS and subnets (or single IPs) that must be excluded from aggregated logs. Subnets specified in the directories will be ignored when writing to the aggregated log (which is used to generate reports). To control filtering by these dictionaries, use the SUBSCRIBER_EXCLUDE_MODE parameter. See section [[dpi:dpi_components:qoestor:configuration|Configuration]]. Example of dictionary **asnum_exclude_dic** 12345 LOCAL 65535 LOCAL The first column is the AS number, second is title (not displayed in reports, but the dictionary format requires). Example of dictionary **subnets_exclude_dic** LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL 2a02:2168:aaa:bbbb::2 LOCAL The first column is the IP address or CIDR, the second is the name (not displayed in reports, but the dictionary format requires). Do not add too large a subnet. Break it down into small pieces. Limit - 100,000,000 ==== Dictionary gtp_cells_locations_dic ==== The dictionary contains a list of the operator's cellular base stations with coordinates. The dictionary is used to build reports on maps. Dictionary example 250 1 17774 4881420 55.783184763200005 37.525521418974996 cell_id_0 cell_name_0 cell_description_0 250 1 17716 3398401 55.86518562276 37.66309891922 cell_id_2 cell_name_2 cell_description_2 250 1 17716 3398411 55.86312193015 37.657007482905 cell_id_4 cell_name_4 cell_description_4 250 1 17782 2359297 55.86370294584 37.661393065359995 cell_id_5 cell_name_5 cell_description_5 250 1 1603 26057 55.80400515858 37.63568625476 cell_id_1 cell_name_1 cell_description_1 250 1 17781 2914571 55.799170861170005 37.6376949577 cell_id_6 cell_name_6 cell_description_6 250 1 1605 23895 55.869888445769995 37.64814730281 cell_id_3 cell_name_3 cell_description_3 Columns: - MCC - Mobile Country Code - MNC - Mobile Network Code - TAC/LAC - Location Area Code - CID/SAC/ECI - Cell ID - LAT - latitude - LON - longitude - CELL_ID - cell ID (set by the operator) - CELL_NAME - cell name (set by the operator) - CELL_DESCRIPTION - cell description (set by the operator) ==== Dictionary net_protocols_dic ==== Dictionary of network protocols protocols. Not editable, updated when QoE Stor is updated. Example of dictionary **net_protocols_dic** 0 HOPOPT 1 ICMP 2 IGMP 3 GGP 4 IPv4 5 ST 6 TCP 7 CBT 8 EGP 9 IGP 10 BBN-RCC-MON 11 NVP-II ... Columns: - Port number - Protocol name ==== Dictionaries protocols_dic and protocols_groups_dic ==== Dictionaries of application protocols and groups of application protocols. Cloud dictionaries loaded on schedule. Not editable. Example of dictionary **protocols_dic** 1 tcpmux 1 2 compressnet 1 5 rje 1 7 echo 1 11 systat 7 13 daytime 7 17 qotd 7 18 msp 8 19 chargen 7 20 ftp-data 9 21 ftp 9 22 ssh 8 23 telnet 8 25 smtp 5 27 nsw-fe 7 ... Columns: - Port number - Protocol name - Protocol group ID Example of dictionary **protocols_groups_dic** 1 Network services 2 Web browsing 3 P2P 4 Gaming 5 E-Mail 6 Instant messengers ... Columns: - Protocol group ID - Group name To force loading dictionaries run: sh /var/qoestor/backend/app_bash/cron_daily.sh ==== Dictionary settings_dic ==== Service dictionary of settings. Formed by scripts based on configuration files. Not editable. Example of dictionary TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE 0 SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE 0 SUBSCRIBER_EXCLUDE_MODE 0 URLS_CATEGORIES_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED 1 ASNUM_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED 1 ULR_REPLACE_LOGIN_WITH_VCHANNEL 0 ULR_USE_DIC_WHEN_REPLACING_LOGIN 0 ULR_VCHANNEL_NAME_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED 0 ULR_VCHANNEL_NAME_DIC_URL NAT_AGG_LOG_FIELDS_TO_SAVE_BITMASK 0x654 NAT_IMPORT_FROM_FULLFLOW NAT_AGG_LOG_GROUP_TIME_INTERVAL 15 FULLFLOW_AGG_LOG_FIELDS_TO_SAVE_BITMASK 0x39fff FULLFLOW_AGG_LOG_GROUP_TIME_INTERVAL 15 CLICKSTREAM_AGG_LOG_FIELDS_TO_SAVE_BITMASK 0x30ff CLICKSTREAM_AGG_LOG_GROUP_TIME_INTERVAL 15 CLICKSTREAM_ADD_INFO_FROM_FULLFLOW 1 SUBSCRIBER_BIND_MODE 1 FILL_IP_LOGIN_BINDING_FROM_FULLFLOW 1 NAT_ADD_LOGIN_FROM_IP_LOGIN_BINDING 1 APP_ID qoestor APP_VERSION 1.9.0 Columns: - Parameter - Value ==== Dictionaries subscribers_dic, switches_dic, crc_dic ==== === subscribers_dic === Dictionary of subscribers. Example of dictionary login 5 port1 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 2 port1 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 3 port1 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 4 port1 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 5 port1 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 5 port2 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac login 5 port3 unit_vendor cabel contract services mac Columns: - IP address - Login - Switch (Access) ID - Switch port - Subscriber equipment vendor - Cable - Contract - Services - MAC address of user equipment (reserved for future purposes) === switches_dic === Hierarchical dictionary of equipment (access switches and trunk switches) Example of dictionary 1 Switch 1 Ethernet Region1 Address 1 oper1 0 0 2 Switch 2 Ethernet Region2 Address 2 oper1 0 0 3 Switch 3 Ethernet Region3 Address 3 oper1 0 1 port1 4 Switch 4 Ethernet Region4 Address 4 oper1 0 3 port1 5 Switch 5 Ethernet Region5 Address 5 oper1 0 4 port1 Columns: - Hardware ID UInt64 - Name - Type - Region - Address - Switch IP address - Operator - Flag: flag of the trunk switch (1 - if yes). Not used, you can leave 0 everywhere - UInt64 upstream switch id - Upstream Switch Port - Owner === crc_dic === Error dictionary (CRC) on switch ports Example of dictionary 2 port1 450 5 port1 550 5 port2 500 4 port1 780 Columns - Switch ID - Switch port - CRC value ==== Dictionaries urlcats_dic and urlcats_host_dic ==== Host category dictionaries. Designed to determine whether a host belongs to a certain category. Cloud directories are loaded on schedule. Not editable. Example of dictionary urlcats_dic 1 unknown 2 software_tools 3 search_engine 4 0_other 5 school 6 proxys 7 tabak_alkohol 8 religia ... Columns: - Category ID - Category code Example of dictionary urlcats_host_dic iris06-gold-ssl.gameloft.com 1 satfrog-tv.ddns.net:5890 1 vs824.vcdn.biz 1 cs05.trafmag.com 1 ... Columns: - Host - Category ID To force loading dictionaries run: sh /var/qoestor/backend/app_bash/cron_daily.sh ==== Dictionary ulr_vchannel_name_dic ==== Dictionary of virtual circuit names. Designed to generate statistics for virtual channels. Example of dictionary 0 1 vchan_0_1 0 2 vchan_0_2 0 3 vchan_0_3 0 4 vchan_0_4 1 1 vchan_1_1 1 2 vchan_1_2 1 3 vchan_1_3 1 4 vchan_1_4 Columns: - DPI number - Virtual channel number (vchannel) - Name