====== Making charts ====== {{indexmenu_n>1}} Please check that you have at least one full day statistics before making the chart. For your convenience, we created the scripts that automatically find top N protocols or directions (independent systems) and create a profile that plots each of them in an own color. To start the script to build a profile with top protocols: /usr/local/nfsen/bin/create_top_protocols --consumers 8 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_8_protocols Here:\\ consumers 8 - is a number of protocols to plot (max. 10)\\ divide-up-down - means that inbound and outbound traffics are represented above and below zero axis\\ profile-name top_8_protocols - is the name of the profile to create((A profile is selected in the top right corner of NFSEN window. If you can not select the recently created profile: please use 'Stat' mark in the upper line.)). The script creates a profile named top_8_protocols. This profile makes charts with top 8 protocols by traffic are shown in different colors: {{ nfsen-combined.png }} Protocols that were not included in "top" are collected into "others" and have the same color. This profile is convenient to build reports by protocols as described in chapter [[nfsen_ext_reports|Making reports]]. You can also keep only those protocols that you are interested to see. To use this method, please uncheck the "extra" protocols in "Statistics" window placed below the charts.\\ Example: only torrents remain in the chart: {{ nfsen-torrents.png }} Similarly, one executes the script to build a profile with top directions: /usr/local/nfsen/bin/create_top_directions --consumers 10 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_10_directions The script creates a profile named top_10_directions. You can visually see, for example, the difference in traffic volumes of GOOGLE and FACEBOOK in this chart. {{ nfsen-vk-vs-google.png }}