====== Making reports ====== {{indexmenu_n>2}} Please select the "live" profile. You can select a profile in upper right corner. In case you have already created the separate profile with directions at top, as described here [[nfsen_ext_graph|Making charts]], then select it. To create the report by independent systems: press Details mark in the topmost line and chose the required time window on the chart or place a slider to the time under investigation (Single Timeslot). Then select the desired report type in menu Options (under Netflow Processing): {{ :en:nfsen-dir-options.png?900 |}} Here:\\ Stat TopN - is a list of top directions\\ Top: 10 - is a number of elements in top\\ Stat: Any AS Name/SRC AS Name or DST AS Name - count all the traffic or only that in one direction\\ Order By: bytes - count top by data amount\\ and press Process button.\\ For "live" profile you should mark only Source: directions The report by top directions of dataflow will be created: {{ :en:nfsen-dir-report.png?900 |}} Similarly, by selecting Source: protocols or a single profile with top protocols you can get reports by protocols in one or two directions DPI Protocol/IN DPI Protocol/OUT DPI Protocol {{ :en:nfsen-options.png?400 |}} {{ :en:nfsen-proto-report.png?900 |}}