====== Configuration ====== {{indexmenu_n>2}} The system is delivered with black list filtering option turned on. You can configure the option or turn it off by configuration file **/etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf**. All parameters are optional and have default values. ===== Filtering service configuration ===== federal_black_list=2 enables automatic loading and application of cloud service list (0 - disables) The lists received from clouds are placed to the directory **/var/lib/dpi**. Their names are: **blcache.bin** - URL dictionary to block HTTP\\ **blcachecn.bin** - names' dictionary to block HTTPS by certificates\\ **blcacheip.bin** - IP addresses dictionary to block HTTPS by IP\\ **blcachesni.bin** - dictionary to block HTTPS by SNI The subscriber's browser receives 403 error (Forbidden) as a reply on an attempt to access a restricted page by HTTP protocol. Its look depends on the browser in use. \\ This behaviour can be modified. The browser can be redirected to a special operator's information page Instead of the error code((in case this parameter ends by ? or &: the parameter UrlRedir is added to the formed URL. It points to a page selected by the subscriber.))((you should add parameters can be added usingr ? or & (by HTTP rules), otherwise the DPI adds /? to the URL)) Page setup for redirect: black_list_redirect=http://operator.com/blockpage.html The black list update period can be configured. It is 60 minutes by default: timeout_check_new_bl=60 We recommend making the download period no more than 5 minutes. The lists are updated automatically without interruption of the service and the need to restart /reload. The service has to load modified parameters after configuration changes. One can do it by the following instructions (([[dpi:update:troubleshooting|Corrections]])): To update modified "hot" parameters: service fastdpi reload To update all parameters by the service's restart: service fastdpi restart :!: The short break (less than 1 second) in service is caused by restart, if the Bypass is not supported. The "hot" parameters: federal_black_list,only_tcp,timeout_check_new_bl \\ The "cold" parameters: black_list_redirect,custom_url_black_list,custom_cn_black_list,custom_ip_black_list,custom_sni_black_list \\ You can find more details here: [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_admin|administering]] ===== Custom lists configuration ===== Preparing dictionaries with URL, SNI, CN and IP addresses is described [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_filtration:making_dictionary|in the next section of the documentation]]. The operator can attach his own black list. #URL dictionary for blocking by HTTP protocol custom_url_black_list=http://operator.com/url_list.dic #Names dictionary for blocking HTTPS by certificate custom_cn_black_list=http://operator.com/cn_list.dic #IP addresses dictionary for blocking HTTPS by IP custom_ip_black_list=http://operator.com/ip_list.dic #Hosts names dictionary for blocking HTTPS by SNI (Server Name Indication) custom_sni_black_list=http://operator.com/sni_list.dic URL field can be used to specify ftp protocol and authentication parameters. The lists downloaded from the specified URL are stored in /var/lib/dpi. Their names are: **blcustom.bin** - the URL dictionary to block HTTP\\ **blcustomcn.bin** - the name's dictionary to block HTTPS by certificate\\ **blcustomip.bin** - the IP addresses' dictionary to block HTTPS by IP\\ **blcustomsni.bin** - the IP addresses' dictionary to block HTTPS by SNI ===== Additional Information ===== '#' character at the beginning of a configuration file line marks the comment. In case the service is used to filter by black list only, we advise to switch off the analysis of protocols rather than HTTP. It helps increase productivity and reduces CPU load: only_tcp=1 If the black lists are created on the same computer that runs DPI: you can just put them to **/var/lib/dpi** directory. Their names must be **blcustom.bin, blcustomsni.bin, blcustomcn.bin and blcustomip.bin,** same as above.\\ Use only command mv for moving dictionaries - it's atomic, don't use copying! ===== Switching off the custom lists ===== To switch off additional (operator's) black lists: Comment out or remove the parameters from configuration file **/etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf**: custom_url_black_list, custom_ip_black_list, custom_cname_black_list, custom_sni_black_list To remove local lists: rm /var/lib/dpi/blcustom.bin rm /var/lib/dpi/blcustomcn.bin rm /var/lib/dpi/blcustomip.bin rm /var/lib/dpi/blcustomsni.bin Here's the translation of the blocking settings: =====Blocking Settings===== Add the parameter ''block_options'' to the configuration file ''/etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf''. Values: * 1 — block regardless of the presence of SNI * 2 — block all ports on the address * 4 — block all of IPv6 (when the [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_filtration:filtration_ctrl|service 4]] is enabled) * 8 — do not generate RST packets for blocking and redirection for `inet–>subs` packet direction