====== IPFIX export ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} For Clickstream data analisys (subscribers' http requests) and SIP (VOIP unciphered data) on external systems IPFIX export is available. A list of the correspondence between the Protocol and the port number in netfow5 can be found __[[dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics:statistics_info|here]]__. Any universal IPFIX collector that accepts templates or the __[[dpi:dpi_components:utilities:ipfixreceiver2|IPFIX Receiver]]__ utility is suitable for collecting information in IPFIX format. To receive, process and store ClickStream, we suggest using the __[[dpi:dpi_components:qoestor|QoE Store software]]__ and __[[dpi:dpi_components:dpiui|DPIUI2 graphical interface]]__. If the link quality between SSG and NetFlow/IPFIX collector is insufficient, SSG skips sending some statistics to save performance. A message is displayed in ''fastdpi_alert.log'' when a chunk of information is skipped: [NFLW] very long operation …. Starting from version 12.0, the statistics for sending NetFlow/IPFIX information is now available (additional section in fastdpi_stat.log): [STAT ][2022/11/20-17:55:03:213770] Statistics on NFLW_export : {a/b/c%/d/e} a - number of sending cycles b - number of sending cycles, when the time spent on sending exceeded the cycle execution period c - percentage of exceeding the number of sending cycles: 100 * b/a d - time of maximum sending cycle duration, microseconds e - time of the period of sending statistics, microseconds (''netflow_timeout'' parameter value (the parameter is set in seconds)). Example: [STAT ][2022/11/20-17:55:03:213770] Statistics on NFLW_export : {7/0/0.00%/45297us/30008163us} ===== ClickStream export Setup ===== Clickstream experts is configured by following parameters: ipfix_dev=em1 ipfix_udp_collectors=, ipfix_tcp_collectors= dbg_log_mask=0x80 here * **//em1//** - NIC using for export. * **//ipfix_udp_collectors//** - IP of udp collectors. * **//ipfix_tcp_collectors//** - IP of tcp collectors. * **//dbg_log_mask=0x80//** - logging statistics about export. ==== IPFIX format template for Clickstream ==== The format of IPFIX templates for IPV6 differs only in the //IP_SOURCE// and //IP_DESTINATION// fields. ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1003 | 16 | IPv6 | 43823 |IP_SOURCE |Sender address| | 1004 | 16 | IPv6 | 43823 |IP_DESTINATION |Recipient address| ^ IPFIX format template for Clickstream ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |TIME_STAMP| | 1002 | - | string | 43823 |LOGIN| | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_SOURCE|Sender address| | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_DESTINATION|Recipient address| | 1005 | - | string | 43823 |HOSTNAME/CNAME| | 1006 | - | string | 43823 |PATH| | 1007 | - | string | 43823 |REFER| | 1008 | - | string | 43823 |USER_AGENT| | 1009 | - | string | 43823 |COOCKIE| | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 |SESSION_ID| | 1010 | 8 | int64 | 43823 |LOCKED| | 1011 | 1 | int8 | 43823 |HOST_TYPE| | 1012 | 1 | int8 | 43823 |METHOD| | 1013 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |PORT_SOURCE| Sender port | | 1014 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |PORT_DESTINATION| Recipient port | | 2016 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM|Channel number (vchannel) or bridge. If vchannel is configured in the DPI configuration, then the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number. Used in QoEStor. | | 1024 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |CipherSuitesLen|Size in bytes of the set of available CipherSuites encryption methods in the Client Hello message| | 1025 | - | raw | 43823 |CipherSuites|CipherSuites array in Client Hello (max 16 values)| | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| | 2018 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |TCP Sequence| **ND:** * LOCKED = 1 - blocked by HTTPS, 2 - HTTP redirect, 3 - blocked by HTTP (transmitted by bitmask) * HOST TYPE = 1 in case of HTTP, 2 - CNAME, 3 - SNI, 4 - QUIC * METHOD = 1 - GET, 2 - POST, 3 - PUT, 4 - DELETE If the configuration parameter "//http_parse_reply=1//" is enabled, information from responses to requests will be additionally transmitted. You can associate them with responses by the session identifier //SESSION_ID//, taking into account the order. ^ Clickstream export template IPFIX format for HTTP responses((for the IPv6 variant see difference above)) ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |TIME_STAMP| | 1002 | - | string | 43823 |LOGIN| | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_SOURCE| | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_DESTINATION| | 1020 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |RESULT_CODE| | 1021 | 8 | int64 | 43823 |CONTENT_LENGTH| | 1022 | - | string | 43823 |CONTENT_TYPE| | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 |SESSION_ID| | 1023 | - | string | 43823 |LOCATION| | 2016 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM| Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted| | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| If the configuration parameter "//ssl_parse_reply=1//" is enabled, information from responses to requests will be additionally transmitted. You can associate them with responses by the session identifier //SESSION_ID//, taking into account the order. ^ Clickstream export template IPFIX format for responses over SSL/TLS, HTTPS((for the IPv6 variant, see difference above)) ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |TIME_STAMP| | 1002 | - | string | 43823 |LOGIN| | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_SOURCE| | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 |IP_DESTINATION| | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 |SESSION_ID| | 1030 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |SSL_VERSION| | 1031 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |CIPHER_SUITE| | 1032 | 1 | int8 | 43823 |COMPRESSION_METHOD| | 2016 | 2 | int16 | 43823 |BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM| Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted| | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| | 1011 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | type_host | | 1005 | - | string | 43823 | cname | ===== Metadata Export Setting ===== Export of metadata of other protocols for SORM is configured by the following parameters ipfix_dev=em1 ipfix_meta_udp_collectors=, ipfix_meta_tcp_collectors= dbg_log_mask=0x80 where * **//em1//** - network interface name for export\\ * **//ipfix_meta_udp_collectors//** - udp addresses of collectors\\ * **//ipfix_meta_tcp_collectors//** - tcp addresses of collectors\\ * **//dbg_log_mask=0x80//** - output of statistical information about export to the log ==== IPFIX metadata export template formats ==== ^ SIP metadata export template IPFIX format ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SRC | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DST | Recipient's address | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | 3000 | - | string | 43823 | MSG_CODE | | 3001 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | STATUS_CODE | | 3002 | - | string | 43823 | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier|URI]]| Uniform Resource Identifier | | 3003 | - | string | 43823 | FROM| | 3004 | - | string | 43823 | TO| | 3005 | - | string | 43823 | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caller_ID|CALLID]]| | 3006 | - | string | 43823 | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent|UAGENT]]| Client application| | 3007 | - | string | 43823 | [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Type|CTYPE]]| Type of content to be transmitted | | 3008 | - | string | 43823 | GATEWAYS | | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| **Notes:** \\ IP_SRC --- IP SOURCE\\ IP_DST --- IP DESTINATION\\ GATEWAYS --- comma separated list of gateways (IP or hostname) ^ FTP Metadata Export Template IPFIX Format ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SRC | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DST | Recipient's address | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | 3050 | - | string | 43823 | SERVER_NAME | | 3051 | - | string | 43823 | USER| | 3052 | - | string | 43823 | PASSWORD | | 3053 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | MODE | | 1020 | 4 | int32 | 43823 |RESULT_CODE| | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| **Note:** the MODE field contains the FTP connection type 0 --- active, 1 --- passive ^ Messenger Metadata Export Template IPFIX Format (XMPP) ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SRC | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DST | Recipient's address | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | 3100 | - | string | 43823 | IM_LOGIN | | 3101 | - | string | 43823 | IM_PASSW | | 3102 | - | string | 43823 | IM_SCREEN_NAME | | 3103 | - | string | 43823 | IM_UIN | Universal Internet number | | 3104 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | IM_PROTOCOL | Type of protocol used | | 3105 | - | string | 43823 | IM_RECEIVERS | | 1020 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | RESULT_CODE | | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| **Note:** the IM_PROTOCOL field contains the type of protocol used: 0 --- ICQ, 7 --- XMPP, 106 --- ZELLO ^ IPFIX format of mail protocol metadata export template (POP, IMAP, SMTP) ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SRC | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DST | Recipient's address | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | 3150 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_SENDER | | 3151 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_RECEIVER | | 3152 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_CC | Recipient of the copy | | 3153 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_SUBJECT | | 3154 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_SERVERS | | 3155 | - | string | 43823 | MAIL_REPLY | | 3156 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | EVENT | Event type | | 3157 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | ATTACHMENT | Indication of attachment | | 3158 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | MAIL_PROTOCOL | | 1020 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | RESULT_CODE | | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId| VLAN | | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID| POST VLAN | | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - | Source MAC Address | | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - | Destination MAC Address | | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 | MPLS Labels | **Note:** the EVENT field indicates the event type 1 --- send, 2 --- receive, \\ ATTACHMENT sign of an attachment, mail_protocol = 0 --- smtp, 1 --- pop3, 2 --- imap ^ The raw unparsed metadata export template IPFIX format ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size in bytes ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SRC | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DST | Recipient's address | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | 2013 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | FLW_DIR | Directing the packet across interfaces | | 2014 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | DIR_DATA | Forwarding a packet by session | | 2015 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | VDPI_PROTO | The protocol that determined the DPI | | 2900 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | META_PROTO | Internal protocol identifier | | 2901 | - | string | 43823 | RAW_DATA | | 4 | 1 | int8 | - | protocolIdentifier | PROTOCOL | | 7 | 2 | int16 | - | sourceTransportPort | | 11 | 2 | int16 | - | destinationTransportPort | | 6 | 2 | int16 | - | tcpControlBits | | 2018 | 4 | int32 | - | TCP Sequence | | 58 | 2 | int16 | - |VlanId|VLAN| | 59 | 2 | int16 | - |postVlanID|POST VLAN| | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - |Source MAC Address| | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - |Destination MAC Address| | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 |MPLS Labels| **Note:** * **//FLW_DIR//** --- direction of packet on interfaces : 0 : subs --> inet, 1 : inet --> subs \\ * **//DIR_DATA//** --- direction of the packet by session: for TCP 0 : client --> server, 1 : server --> client, for UDP --- from whom the first packet was recorded, he is considered the client\\ * **//VDPI_PROTO//** --- protocol that defined dpi\\ * **//META_PROTO//** --- internal protocol identifier (3 --- SIP, 4 --- FTP, 5 --- SMTP, 6 --- POP3, 7 --- IMAP, 8 --- XMPP, 9 --- ICQ, 10 --- RSS, 11 --- NNTP, 12 --- H323, 13 --- ZELLO)\\ * **//RAW_DATA//** --- raw data Aggregating ''raw_data'', ''clickstream'', ''http_reply'' and ''ssl_reply'' with session data requires additional processing or executing a database query with the ''session_id'' key, or support in the ''rcollector'' utility. =====DNS===== DNS export is configured with the following settings: ipfix_dev=em1 ipfix_dns_udp_collectors= ipfix_dns_tcp_collectors= where * **''em1''** --- the name of the network interface to export.\\ * **''ipfix_dns_udp_collectors''** --- UDP addresses of collectors.\\ * **''ipfix_dns_tcp_collectors''** --- TCP collector addresses.\\ The format of IPFIX templates for IPV6 differs in the format of the ''IP_SOURCE'' and ''IP_DESTINATION'' fields. ^ № ^ Number of bytes ^ Data type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1103 | 16 | IPv6 | 43823 | IP_SOURCE | Sender's address | | 1104 | 16 | IPv6 | 43823 | IP_DESTINATION | Recipient's address | ^ DNS Export Template IPFIX Format ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Number of bytes ^ Data type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 1001 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TIME_STAMP | Timestamp | | 1002 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | Log in | | 1003 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_SOURCE | Sender's address | | 1004 | 4 | IPv4 | 43823 | IP_DESTINATION | Recipient's address | | 1013 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | SOURCE PORT | | | 1014 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | DESTINATION PORT | | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | Session ID | | 3200 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | UDP/TCP | Transport: 0 --- UDP, 1 --- TCP | | 3201 | - | string | 43823 | DOMAIN | | | 3202 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | RRCLASS | | | 3203 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | RRTYPE | | | 3204 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | TTL | | | 3205 | - | raw | 43823 | RDATA | | | 58 | 2 | int16 | - | VlanId | VLAN | | 59 | 2 | int16 | - | postVlanID | POST VLAN | | 56 | 6 | mac_address | - | Source MAC Address || | 57 | 6 | mac_adress | - | Destination MAC Address || | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 | MPLS Labels || | 2016 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM | Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted | An alternative is to save the data in a local text log. Parameters: * **//ajb_save_dns//** - flag for writing to a text file * **//ajb_dns_ftimeout//** - timeout (minutes) for switching to the next file * **//ajb_dns_bufsize//** - file write buffer * **//ajb_dns_fsize//** - file size limit * **//ajb_dns_path//**- path where to write Switching to the next file occurs when the file size reaches //ajb_dns_fsize// or the file is not empty and //ajb_dns_ftimeout// has passed ajb_save_dns_format : format for writing to a text file * **"ts"** - time * **"ipsrc"** - ip source * **"ipdst"** - ip destination * **"ssid"** - session id * **"login"** - understandable * **"host"** - the name of which the information was requested * **"rrtype"** - RR types * **"rrclass"** - RR class * **"ttl"** - TTL * **"rdlen"** - rdata size * **"rdata"** - the resource itself * **"psrc"** - port source * **"pdst"** - port destination * **"transport"** - how the DNS query was received. Default: ''ts:ssid:login:ipsrc:ipdst:psrc:pdst:transport:host:rrtype:rrclass:ttl:rdlen:rdata''