====== Assigning priorities according to the protocols ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} The protocol priorities (assigned by system administrator) are loaded by DPI from the file **/etc/dpi/protocols.dscp.** This file is created in two steps: first one creates a text file with the list of protocols and their priorities. Second, it is converted into an internal format by a special utility. To apply the changes you need to the DPI configuration with the following command: service fastdpi reload ===== The file format of protocols and priorities list: ===== Each line contains the protocol name, then space, then dscp value. **For example:** dns 0x3F skype drop compressnet 010 ftp keep http cs0 default keep [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics:statistics_info|Full list of protocols.]]\\ DSCP value is specified as [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_priority:dscp_table|decimal, hex or octal number or as a text abbreviation]]. Keywords meaning: * drop - indicates that packets must not be transmitted further. They must be dropped. * keep - shows that priority must keep its current value (typically 0). * default - means "for all remaining protocols" and allows to simplify significantly making the configuration file. ===== To convert into an internal format: ===== cat my_dscp.txt|lst2dscp protocols.dscp **[SSG v13+]** in input files of the lst2dscp utility, it is now possible to add comments (#) and empty lines. To move the settings into the work directory: mv protocols.dscp /etc/dpi/protocols.dscp Please use mv instruction! It is an atomic one. Do not use copy!