====== Load test result ====== **Server:** Bare metal server AMD EPYC 7713P 64-Core Processor. **Parameters:** * number of packets (pkts), * number of bytes, * number of dropped packets (pkts dropped). **Load:** Synthetic, from DPI. Steady at 99,999.55 Mbit/sec and 41,586,771.00 pkt/sec for 4 hours. **Test Process:** Only 25 cores were used (39 cores in reserve). The service divided all traffic into 4 streams of 25 Gbps each, balanced by subscriber IP address. **Result:** * no packet loss, * no drops, * no queue overflow. **Conclusion:** The load balancer maintains a stable 100 Gbps load without losses over an extended period. On this equipment, a multiple increase in traffic volumes is possible. **Description of core types:**\\ ''sys'' — system core\\ ''rx-dispatch'' — incoming data processing\\ ''slave'' — worker cores\\ ''ajb'' — adjacent job buffer, processing of adjacent tasks or data buffering\\ ''service'' — service core Log output: Cluster #0 : IF 01-00.1 (01:00.1): Absolute Stats Rcvd: [657270914547 pkts][198658920844108 bytes][0 pkts dropped] Send: [0 pkts][0 bytes] Esnd: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] Drop: [0 pkts][0 bytes] Pthr: [0 pkts][0 bytes] Emit: [0 pkts][0 bytes] Eemt: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] Actual Stats Rcvd: [187532174378 bytes][99'999.55 Mbit/sec] [623911402 pkts ][41'586'771.00 pkt/sec] Send: [0 bytes][0.00 Mbit/sec] [0 pkts ][0.00 pkt/sec] Esnd: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] Drop: [0 bytes][0.00 %] [0 pkts ][0.00 %] Pthr: [0 bytes][0.00 %] [0 pkts ][0.00 %] Emit: [0 bytes][0.00 Mbit/sec] [0 pkts ][0.00 pkt/sec] Eemt: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] Cluster #0 : Aggregated Actual stats: [Captured 41'586'722.00 pkt/sec][Processed 41'586'771.00 pkt/sec][Send 40'437'860.00 pkt/sec] [STAT ][2024/03/07-15:40:13:399780] [HAL] DPDK device statistics: dev 01-00.1 (01:00.1) RX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 657270943275/182884426835603 (623909890/172557878812) TX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 0/0 (0/0) Error pkts, abs/delta: rx_queue_full=0/0, bad_pkt=0/0, tx_fail=0/0, rx_nombuf=0/0 dev 02-00.0 (02:00.0) RX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 0/0 (0/0) TX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 163787533082/45735517163600 (154976039/43163791968) Error pkts, abs/delta: rx_queue_full=0/0, bad_pkt=0/0, tx_fail=0/0, rx_nombuf=0/0 dev 02-00.1 (02:00.1) RX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 0/0 (0/0) TX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 154564344204/42548802405897 (151743847/41137045740) Error pkts, abs/delta: rx_queue_full=0/0, bad_pkt=0/0, tx_fail=0/0, rx_nombuf=0/0 dev 81-00.0 (81:00.0) RX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 1876/313426 (0/0) TX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 154368163953/42943523213410 (145732466/40284951420) Error pkts, abs/delta: rx_queue_full=0/0, bad_pkt=0/0, tx_fail=0/0, rx_nombuf=0/0 dev 81-00.1 (81:00.1) RX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 1876/313426 (0/0) TX pkt/bytes abs (delta): 163376617733/45745452965240 (154221335/43181972960) Error pkts, abs/delta: rx_queue_full=0/0, bad_pkt=0/0, tx_fail=0/0, rx_nombuf=0/0 [STAT ][2024/03/07-15:40:13:400323] [HAL][DPDK] Dispatcher statistics abs/delta: drop (worker queue full) | empty NIC RX | RX packets | % traffic Cluster #0 subs->inet #0: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 67.5%/ 74.2% | 130791268405/122072801 | 19.9%/ 19.6% Cluster #0 inet->subs #0: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 100.0%/100.0% | 3752/0 | 100.0%/ 0.0% Cluster #0 subs->inet #1: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 58.5%/ 51.8% | 133751288341/129906028 | 20.3%/ 20.8% Cluster #0 subs->inet #2: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 52.6%/ 40.0% | 132355288832/127299328 | 20.1%/ 20.4% Cluster #0 subs->inet #3: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 63.7%/ 65.1% | 130906688761/123809037 | 19.9%/ 19.8% Cluster #0 subs->inet #4: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 71.5%/ 77.8% | 129466431568/120822209 | 19.7%/ 19.4% Total: 0/0 0.0%/ 0.0% | 70.3%/ 72.6% | 657270969659/623909403 Involved: [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380825][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 0 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=0 role:sys [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380827][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 1 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=1 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380829][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 2 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=2 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380831][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 3 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=3 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380833][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 4 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=4 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380834][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 5 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=5 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380836][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 6 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=6 role:rx-dispatch [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380838][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 7 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=7 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380845][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 8 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=8 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380846][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 9 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=9 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380848][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 10 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=10 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380850][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 11 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=11 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380851][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 12 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=12 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380853][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 13 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=13 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380855][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 14 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=14 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380856][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 15 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=15 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380858][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 16 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=16 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380860][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 17 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=17 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380861][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 18 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=18 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380863][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 19 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=19 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380865][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 20 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=20 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380866][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 21 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=21 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380868][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 22 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=22 role:slave [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380870][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 23 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=23 role:ajb [INFO ][2024/03/07-11:13:03:380872][0x7faef6308c00] lcore 24 [ on]: socket_id=0 hw_core_id=24 role:service 25 cores. AMD EPYC 7713P 64-Core Processor CPU MHz: 2000.000 On request it is possible to perform testing on customer equipment, please contact [[dpi:techsupport_info|technical support]] for this purpose.