====== NAT flow export ====== {{indexmenu_n>5}} ===== Export NAT flows in IPFIX (Netflow 10) ===== For data analisys on NAT flows on external systems IPFIX export is available (aka netflow v10). Settings of NAT flows export: ipfix_dev=em1 ipfix_nat_udp_collectors=, ipfix_nat_tcp_collectors= here * **em1** - network device name for export * **ipfix_nat_udp_collectors** - addresses of udp collectors * **ipfix_nat_tcp_collectors** - addresses of tcp collectors ^IPFIX template for NAT flows export^^^^^ ^ID ^IANA ^Size ^Type ^ Description^ |323 |0 |8 |int64 | SYSTEM_TIME_WHEN_THE_EVENT_OCCURRED| |4 |0 |1 |int8 | PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER | |230 |0 |1 |int8 | TYPE_OF_EVENT | |8 |0 |4 |IP v4 | SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS | |225 |0 |4 |IP v4 | POST_NAT_SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS | |7 |0 |2 |int16 | SOURCE_PORT | |227 |0 |2 |int16 | POST_NAPT_SOURCE_TRANSPORT_PORT | |12 |0 |4 |IP v4 | DESTINATION_IPV4_ADDRESS | |11 |0 |2 |int16 | DESTINATION_TRANSPORT_PORT | |2000 |43823|8 |int64 | SESSION_ID | |2003 |43823| |string | LOGIN | To collect information in IPFIX any universal collector can be used or [[dpi:dpi_components:utilities:ipfixreceiver|IPFIX Receiver]] utility. Also NAT information is transmited in fields postNATsourceIPv4Address and postNAPTsourceTransportPort in IPFIX export [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics:statistics_ipfix|full Netflow]] ===== Export NAT flows in text file ===== Settings for NAT flow export in text file on Stingray Service Gateway DPI server are in the configuration file /etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf: ajb_save_nat=1 ajb_save_nat_format=ts:ssid:event:login:proto:ipsrc:portsrc:ipsrcpostnat:portsrcpostnat:ipdst:portdst ajb_nat_path=/var/dump/dpi ajb_nat_ftimeout=30 here * ajb_save_nat=1 activate export NAT flows in text file * ajb_nat_path=/var/dump/dpi directory for files with NAT flows (default /var/dump/dpi) * ajb_nat_ftimeout=30 time period of records * ajb_save_nat_format=ts:ssid:event:login:proto:ipsrc:portsrc:ipsrcpostnat:portsrcpostnat:ipdst:portdst list and order of recorder fields, here * ts - timestamp * ssid - session id (for link with Netflow/IPFIX by volume) * event - event : 1 - NAT44 Session create, 2 - NAT44 Session delete * login - subscriber login * ipsrc - IP address of request source (subscriber) * portsrc - port of request source (subscriber) * ipsrcpostnat - IP address of request source (subscriber) after NAT translation * portsrcpostnat - port of request source (subscriber) after NAT translation * ipdst - destination IP address (host) * portdst - destination port (host). The file system for writing logs must be fast and local (no NFS and other remotes), this type of journaling is recommended only for short-term diagnostics.