======Сommon description====== {{indexmenu_n>1}} The following components are required to work with QoE statistics: [[dpi:dpi_components:qoestor|QoE Stor Module]] и [[dpi:dpi_components:dpiui|SSG DPI control interface]]. **Quality of Experience (QoE)** Module is a software product responsible for gathering statistics and viewing subscribers’ perception of services. The statistics is transferred to special metrics which allow to define user’s experience. It provides the operator with information whether the subscriber gets high quality Internet communication or not; what kind of problems does he or she encounter. The data obtained allows the operator to take action and to improve the services quality and as a result to increase customer loyalty. {{ :dpi:dpi_options:qoe:qoe.png?nolink&800 |}} The following components are required for QoE: [[dpi:dpi_components:qoestor|QoE Stor]] and [[dpi:dpi_components:dpiui|Graphical User Interface]].