====== Description of QoE metrics ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} =====Netflow===== ^ Metric ^ Description ^ Values ^ | Octet delta | Traffic difference (bytes) at the beginning and end of the specified period | | | Fragmented packets delta | Difference of IP packets divided into parts/fragments at the beginning and at the end of the specified period | | | [[dpi:qoe:use_cases:full_netflow_analytics#rtt_description|RTT]] | Round-trip time is the time taken to send the signal plus the time it takes to confirm that the signal has been received.\\ This round-trip time therefore consists of the time it takes to transmit a signal between two points within a single flow.\\ All network activity within a source/destination socket (source IP:port /destination IP:port) is taken as a flow in DPI | | | Source AS | AS host number | | | Destination AS | Subscriber's AS number | | | Post nat source IPv4-address | An IP address converted from private to public by NAT to communicate with external devices and access the Internet | | | Post nat source port | A port converted by NAT from private to public for communicating with external devices and accessing the Internet | | | Vchannel/Bridge | Vchannel — vChannel number.\\ Bridge — number of the bridge through which the traffic goes | | | Service class | Traffic classes cs0 — cs7. For more details see [[dpi:dpi_options:use_cases:qs_rateplans#traffic_distribution_by_class_for_the_tariff_plan|Traffic distribution by class for the tariff plan]] | 0 — cs0\\ 1 — cs1\\ …\\ 7 — cs7 | | Receiver IP-interface index and Sender IP-interface index | Traffic direction | 1 — to whom traffic is directed;\\ 2 — where the traffic comes from.\\ Example:\\ The first option is outbound traffic;\\ The second option is inbound traffic.\\ {{gallery>:dpi:qoe:paramdescript:index.png}} | =====Clickstream===== All Clickstream metrics are defined for HTTP traffic only.\\ Metrics for HTTPS traffic cannot be defined because it is encrypted. ^ Metric ^ Description ^ Values ^ | Path | The address to which the subscriber went | | | Referer | The resource from which the request came. \\ Used for redirection: the address from which the user went to the redirection page is memorized | | | User agent | Allows you to understand from which device the request was made | | | Method | Server request method | 0 — undefined\\ 1 — GET \\ 2 — POST \\ 3 — PUT\\ 4 — DELETE | | Result code | The HTTP code that the server returned | 200 — ОК\\ 403 — Forbidden | | Content length | How many bytes of information the server returned in response to the request | | | Content type | Content-Type in HTTP, used to define the MIME type of a resource | | | Locked | Bitmask, contains an indication that the resource has been blocked or redirected | 0x3 for HTTP\\ 0x1 for the rest | | Host type | | 1 for HTTP\\ 2 — CNAME\\ 3 — SNI\\ 4 — QUIC |