====== Version 3.0 Lynx Lynx ====== {{indexmenu_n>4}} Changes in version 3.0 Lynx Lynx (( Lynx (Lynx Lynx) - Silent Predator With its excellent hearing and eyesight , lynx finds prey, sneaking up to her and a few leaps of up to 4 meters in length overtakes her. SSG (Lynx Lynx) successful hunts in the neighboring countries : [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Belarus-1992-Bill-10-Obverse.jpg/640px-Belarus-1992-Bill-10-Obverse.jpg|Byelorussia]], [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Stamp_of_Kazakhstan_230.jpg| Kazakhstan]] и [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Stamp_of_Azerbaijan_455.jpg/464px-Stamp_of_Azerbaijan_455.jpg|Azerbaijan]] )). - Improved vertical scaling, support up to SSG-80 in 1RU servers - unsiphered SIP data collection - Export metadata HTTP, SIP and netflow to external collectors in ipfix format - ipfix-netflow enrihted with host/CN and UserName of subscribers (from Radius) - Session ID in netflow/SIP/HTTP stream allows to link all information together - Protocol pack changes: added QUIC, MPEG TS, improved Skype detection - Extended filtering by IP:PORT in black list - Added DSCP/TOS for [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_priority:priority_config_as|directions (by ASN)]]((backported from 2.8)) - Added possibility to exclude class from HTB hierarhy to set indepandent limits ===== Changes in version 3.1 ===== Changes in version 3.1 Lynx Lynx - Bug fixed in white list (Captive Portal) - no URL redirect in case of only IP list - Parameter added [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_inst_spec:dpi_lag|bypass_link_delay]] - Protocol pack changes: ping now detected as icmp (instead of icmpd) To check the currently installed version: yum info fastdpi Downgrade to previous version: yum downgrade fastdpi-3.0 :!: Do not update Linux kernel to the latest version kernel-2.6.32-431.29.2 or above. This kernel is not binary compatible with Kernel ABI. The network driver can not be loaded after this update. In case you made this update - please configure grab loader to load the previous version while solving the problem ((Set the parameter default=1 in the file /etc/grub.conf)).