====== Version 4.0 Leningrad 872 ====== {{indexmenu_n>5}} Changes in version 4.0 Leningrad 872((in memory of the heroic defense of Leningrad and the complete lifting of the blockade after 872 difficult days, the blockade lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944,we recommend listeт to [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAD29Qa2pdg|the speech of the writer Daniil Granin in the Bundestag]])) - [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_shaping:shaping_multi|Independent control and external channels polling ]] feature is added - Feature [[dpi:dpi_components:platform:subscriber_management:subsman_profiles|allowing to specify the named policing settings (tariff plan) and service profiles ]] is added - Profile customization for services [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_capture:capt_mgmt| whitelist]]/[[dpi:dpi_options:opt_filtration:filtration_ctrl|blacklist]] is added as well as [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify:notify_mgmt|for notification]] - Service [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_ddos:ddos_ctrl|subscriber protection service]] against external DOS/DDOS attacks is added - Marketing campaign management is added to the GUI - [[dpi:dpi_options:use_cases:dpi_bestpractice_wifi_login|The Captive Portal example для to access the WiFi network using SMS authorization]] ===== Update to version 4.2 ===== Changes in version 4.2 - SYN-flood bug fixed - GRE bug fixed - Added possiblilty to switch off HTTPS filtering in white list ===== Update to version 4.3 ===== - Improved DDOS protection - Fixed dynamic save of policing settings in DPI UDR Version 4.3.1: - Improved syn flood protection - Fixed bug with traffic markup : if parameter to look into tunnels was switched off it also stoped header markup - Minor changes Version 4.4: - Provided backward compatibility with version 5 (for rollback from 5 version to 4) - Fixed marketing programs with IP identification Version 4.5: - Fixed marketing programs reload with big data - Added new protocols into utilities lst2dscp and dscp2lst To check current installed version use command: yum info fastdpi To rollback version upgrade use command: yum downgrade fastdpi-4.3.1 :!: Do not upgrade Linux core to prevent bunary incompatibility with Kernel ABI and DNA drivers. If you upgraded the Linux core then for temporary problem solution use the setting in gub to load previous Linux core ((in file /etc/grub.conf set default=1)).