Table of Contents

QoE Stor Configuration

To go to the section, click the ADMINISTRATOR menu item, then click the QOE STOR CONFIGURATION menu item.

QoE Stor Nodes

This subsection contains the user's servers. To create or view a custom server that provides access to work in the "QoE Stor Configuration", you need to go to «Equipment»


This subsection contains the following settings:

1 Receivers

To add it, click on the "Add receiver" button, fill in the following parameters in the window that opens:

By default: receiver type – Netflow, rotation – 10 min; receiver type – Clickstream, rotation - 12 min.
Note: Do not change the value unnecessarily.

By default: receiver type – Netflow, delay – 0 sec; receiver type – Clickstream, delay - 400 sec.
Note: Do not change the value unnecessarily.

Note: If this option is enabled, the rotation in minutes option is automatically disabled.

Default value: 10.
Note: Do not change the value unnecessarily.

Note: Do not change the value unnecessarily.

By default: receiver type – Netflow, port – 1500; receiver type – Clickstream, port - 1501.

To change the saved receiver, click on the "Change" button located to the left of each receiver.
To remove the receiver, click on the "Delete" button located to the right of each receiver.

2 Filtering

All parameters are specified by selecting from the output list.
To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

3 General

Parameters are specified by selecting from the output list, URLs are entered manually by the user.
To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

4 URL Settings

All parameters are specified by selecting from the drop-down list. To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

5 FULLFLOW Log Settings

All parameters are specified by selecting from the output list. To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

6 CLICKSTREAM Log Settings

All parameters are specified by selecting from the drop-down list. To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

7 NAT Log Settings

All parameters are specified by selecting from the output list. To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

8 ONLINEFLOW Log Settings

All parameters are specified by selecting from the output list. To explain the selection, you can click on the auxiliary button located to the right of each parameter.

9 OpenCellID settings

To enable autoload of OpenCellID catalog, select “Enabled”.

Token OpenCellID

Save settings

To save the settings in the configuration, click on the "Save" button located on the left in the toolbar.
To restart the configuration, click on the "Restart" button located in the toolbar.
To update the settings, click on the "Update" button located in the toolbar.