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Cache management utility

CCU - Cache Control Utility

CCU is designed to load data into the cache, manage its content and collect statistics. The utility supports a flexible configuration which includes all the specified parameters.

CCU configuration

The main configuration file is the /etc/ccu/ccu.conf. The configuration in this file is specified using the YAML format.

YAML format

The basic elements of the YAML format are:

It is possible to create complex data structures based on the basic elements.

One of the principles describing complex structures laid down in the YAML format is the formatting nested elements rule using indents from the beginning of the line. Elements located on the same hierarchy level must have the same number of leading spaces, for example, the following text:

# Time classes
time_classes:              # Defines the classes of time
    default:    offpeak    # Specifies the default value for time classes
                           # All others items define the names of time classes and rules for them definition
                           # Each rule is started from the name of day category and contains
                           # the list of ranges of times in form "HH:MI:SS-HH:MI:SS"
            - "00:00:00 - 01:00:00"
            - "17:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "16:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "09:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "09:00:00 - 23:59:59"            

can be treated as the time_classes data structure having the following fields: default and peak. The peak field in turn is also a structure with the workdays, weekend_eve, weekendand holidays fields which are the named string series.

Given the above, the main rule when editing YAML format documents is using a certain number of whitespaces to form indents instead of using tabs.

Conventions to specify the parameters


Working directories

The following two parameters specify the directories where files with running processes identifiers will be stored -pid_files_path and working files of the cache management utility - work_files_path. Among the working files, in particular, are the files that store the cache usage statistics.

# PID files path, default: /var/run/ccu
pid_files_path:     /var/run/ccu
# Work files directory, default: /var/lib/ccu
work_files_path:    /var/lib/ccu


When the certain events occur the ccu can perform actions specified by the user. Actions to be executed should be specified to meet the rules of the command line interpreter.
Only one event currently is supported: creation of a text file containing information about objects stored in caches. To set the response to the event, you should define the events/on_after_enumeration_creation parameter. A command to create a binary cache contents representation in the event configuration template is specified.

# Events
    # Command which should be executed after caches' files enumeration
    on_after_enumeration_creation:  "cut -d' ' -f2 /var/cache/ccu/data/enumerated.cs | url2dic /var/cache/ccu/data/enumerated.bin"


Logging options include the path to the log files, as well as the message levels to be written to the file. The most detailed journaling level is the debug level, i.e. when it is enabled all possible messages will be written to the file. When the error journaling level is specified, only errors will be written to the file.
The logging levels are specified separately for each ccu command.

# Logging parameters
    path:           /var/log/ccu
    levels:                                     # Enabled log levels for particular command
                                                # Possible levels are:
                                                #   error, warning, info, diagnostic, debug
                                                # default logging level is "info"
        load:       "info"
        purge:      "info"
        remove:     "warning"
        online:     "info"
        monitor:    "info"

Statistics collection

The fields of the statistics/collectors/


parameter specify the node address and the port the data about the cache usage will be sent. In the future, the name of the statistical collector can be used when describing the CACHEs.

# Statistics parameters
    collectors:                                 # list of collectors' descriptions 
        local:                                  # name of collector description
            host:   localhost                   # listening address
            port:   1600                        # listening port

Day categories and time classes

Day classes and time classes are used to specify the restrictions for data loading to the cache. In order to specify the category of the day, you should create the day_categories/<day_category> parameter, whose value is the list of days that fall into the created day category. The day list element can be both the name of the day of the week, as well as a partially or fully defined date. When determining the category of a day for a specific date, the more particular definitions are examined in the first place, after that the more general ones are examined.

# Day categories
day_categories:    # Defines day categories which could be used in time class definitions
                   # Items under "day_categories" define names of categories;
                   # To define the day categorie it is necessary to specify list of values,
                   # value can be one of following:
                   #   -   week day
                   #   -   partially or fully defined date in form DD.MM.YYYY
                   #       for example:
                   #       "01"            - the first day of each month
                   #       "07.01"         - the 7th of January of each year
                   #       "09.05.2015"    - 2015, the 9th of May 
    workdays:       [Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu]
    weekend_eve:    [Fri]
    weekend:        [Sat, Sun]
        - "01.01"
        - "07.01"
        - "23.02"
        - "08.03"
        - "01.05"
        - "09.05"
        - "12.06"
        - "04.11"

Time classes divide the day of a certain category into time intervals. To specify the time class, you should create the time_classes/<time_class> parameter, as well as a parameters set for a time class that define the day category. Its values are represented by a list of time intervals. The default time_classes/default time class parameter is specified in a special way. If the time class can not be determined using the specified parameters, then the default time class will be used instead.

In the example below, the peak time class is specified and the time intervals for each day category considered to be peaking are defined. If no rule specifying the peak time class can be used, then the default time offpeak class will be used.

# Time classes
time_classes:              # Defines the classes of time
    default:    offpeak    # Specifies the default value for time classes
                           # All others items define the names of time classes and rules for them definition
                           # Each rule is started from the name of day categorie and contains
                           # the list of ranges of times in form "HH:MI:SS-HH:MI:SS"
            - "00:00:00 - 01:00:00"
            - "17:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "16:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "09:00:00 - 23:59:59"
            - "00:00:00 - 02:00:00"
            - "09:00:00 - 23:59:59"


The job parameters are specified as nested jobs parameter structures. There are the following tasks:

Further, when describing, the full parameter name will be based on the jobs parameter .


For the monitoring job, you should specify the incoming connection parameters (monitor/listener/host and monitor/listener/port), which will be used to receive messages from other processes. If one computer is used for all processes, then these parameters have to match the parameters defined for statistics collectors description.

In other words, the monitor/listener parameter specifies the server side of the IP connection, and the parameters specified within the statistics collectors description determine the client side one.

The monitoring job, in addition to gathering statistics of the processes operating with the cache, also gathers system information on network interfaces. In order to limit the list of network interfaces used to gather statistics, it is necessary to specify them in a list in the monitor/network_interfaces parameter.

        listener:                               # listener collects information from different processes about
                                                # incoming/outgoing traffic
            host:       localhost
            port:       1600
        network_interfaces:                     # list of network interfaces which is used for getting
                                                # incoming/outgoing traffic statistics
                                                # if list is empty, all interfaces except "lo" will be used


Load parameters are divided into generic ones, which are specified as fields of the load parameter; used in offline-loading (load/offline); used in online-loading (load/online);

Generic load parameters:

    # Load jobs parameters
        ip_binding:                  # optional, list of local IP-adresses which could be used
                                     # to binding while loading
        ignored_clients:             # list of CIDRs for source IP addresses which should be ignored;
                                     # list could be defined internally into configuration file as list of CIDRs
                                     # under key "cidr_list" or into external files under key "cidr_files";
                                     # if list is defined externally in file, each line that file must contain
                                     # only one CIDR
        rate_limits:                 # defines rate limit for data loading depending on time class;
                                     # value can be one of following:
                                     #   - "unlimited"
                                     #   - number of bytes which defines amount of loaded data per second
            offpeak:    unlimited
            peak:       1m
        # ... skipping ...

The load/ip_binding parameter specifies the IP address list to be used when loading the data, the listed addresses are used evenly.

The load/ignored_clients parameter allows to specify the list of CIDR to be ignored, the requests being sent from these CIDR should not be taken into account when loading data. CIDRs can be specified both in the configuration file (the load/ignored_clients/cidr_list list), and in the external files (the load/ignored_clients/cidr_files list).

The load/rate_limits parameter defines the loading data speed limitations based on the time classes. To set a limit on the speed of loading data at a certain time, you should to create the load / rate_limits / <time class> parameter which value is used to set the desired limitation.

Offline-load parameters:

    # Load jobs parameters
        # ... skipping ...
            parallel_workers:       1     # optional, number of parallel loading jobs, default 1
            job_awaiting_time:      10    # awaiting time for job in a queue in seconds;
                                          # if after this time no one job is in the queue,
                                          # worker finishes its execution

Online-load parameters can be divided into the following logical groups:

Descriptions of IPFIX stream sources are specified in the load/online/exporters structure:

    # Load jobs parameters
        # ... skipping ...
            exporters:                          # list of IPFIX exporters
                    queue_size: 1000            # optional, max number of messages from exporter which is sent to analyzing queue,
                                                # must be between 1 and 100000, default: 1000
                    host:       localhost       # host name or IP-address
                    port:       1500            # listening port
                    protocol:   udp             # one of possible protocols: UDP or TCP
                    information_elements:                   # list of used information elements;
                                                            # names are reserved, values must be in form "PEN/NUM"
                        timestamp:          "43823/1001"    # mandatory, timestamp of event, must be IPFIX dateTimeSeconds
                        host:               "43823/1005"    # mandatory, host name, must be IPFIX string
                        path:               "43823/1006"    # mandatory, path to resource, must be IPFIX string
                        login:              "43823/1002"    # optional, login, must be IPFIX string
                        source_ip4:         "43823/1003"    # optional, source IP-address
                        destination_ip4:    "43823/1004"    # optional, destination IP-address
                        referal:            "43823/1007"    # optional, referal, must be IPFIX string
                        user_agent:         "43823/1008"    # optional, user agent, must be IPFIX string
                        cookie:             "43823/1009"    # optional, cookie, must be IPFIX string
        # ... skipping ...

To create a description of the IPFIX stream source, you should create the load/online/exporters/<IPFIX-источник>structure according to the example above. You should pay attention to specifying the following parameters:

The input IPFIX flow analysis description is specified in the load/online/analyzing structure:

    # Load jobs parameters
        # ... skipping ...
            # ... skipping ...
            analyzing:                          # the analyzing processes perform URL rewriting, filtering 
                                                # and binding URLs getting from exporters to cache's definition
                                                # each analyzzng process sends valid URLs to collection queue
                parallel_workers:   1           # optional, number of parallel analyzing jobs, default 1
                queue_size:         1000        # optional, max number of messages from each analyzing process
                                                # which is sent to collecting queue, must be between 1 and 100000,
                                                # default: 1000
        # ... skipping ...

When specifying the analyzer parameters, you should focus initially on the load/online/analyzing/parallel_workers parameter. When there is a large number of messages from the processes receiving an IPFIX stream, the analyzer processes number should be increased. The indication to increase the number of analyzer processes is the message about the message queue overflow in the log files of the processes responsible for receiving the IPFIX stream.

The description of the requested objects collectors is specified in the load/online/collectors structure:

    # Load jobs parameters
        # ... skipping ...
            # ... skipping ...
            collectors:                         # list of collectors
                default:                        # the collector is used for aggregation of identical URLs
                                                # and distributes them into time windows
                                                # each event could hit no more than 1 window according to event's timestamp
                                                # the time window is a period of time which defines interval of time in the past
                                                # it is possible to have many time windows, in this case each window is
                                                # connected to previous one
                    slots:          24          # optional, number of windows, could not be greater than 100, default 24
                    window:         3600        # optional, window size in seconds, could not be less than 60 secs, default 3600
                    slots:          42
                    window:         14400
        # ... skipping ...

The collector of the requested objects is the main factor for deciding whether to start the object download. Logically, the collector is a collection of counters in the sliding time intervals in the past from the present. When an object is requested, the counter is incremented in a certain interval, and as soon as the total value of all object counters reaches the threshold value specified within the cache description, the object loading is permitted.

In order to create the collector description, you should create the following parameters:

In the example above, two collectors are described: default and week_by_4_hours. The default collector has 24 1-hour intervals, i.e. allows you to analyze the number of object requests during the day.

The description of the data loading processes is specified in the load/online/loading structure:

    # Load jobs parameters
        # ... skipping ...
            # ... skipping ...
                parallel_workers:       1       # optional, number of parallel loading jobs, default 1
                queue_size:             100     # optional, max number of messages from collecting process
                                                # which is sent to loading queue, must be between "parallel_workers" and 10000,
                                                # default: 100
                unbuffered_queue_size:  10      # optional, if current queue size less or equal this value, the messages from
                                                # collecting process will put into loading queue immediately. The messages will be buffered
                                                # and ordered before puting into loading queue according to URLs' weight;
                                                # must be between 0 and "queue_size" - 2 * "parallel_workers", default 2 * "parallel_workers"
        # ... skipping ...

When specifying the load process parameters you should pay attention to the number of parallel processes. Do not significantly increase the queue size ( the load/online/loading/queue_size parameter), since when using a large value for this parameter at startup, the queue will be populated with objects that satisfy the load startup conditions, but it is possible that objects that are requested more frequently will appear during the queue processing.


Scanning is an auxiliary job that starts when loading and deleting data from the cache.

    # Scannig jobs parameters
        workers:                            # the scanning processes perform scan cache directories on demand;
                                            # each scanning process sends information about found items to scanning queue
            parallel_workers:   4           # optional, number of parallel scanning jobs, default 4
            job_queue_size:     5000        # optional, max number of messages in job queue, must be between 1000 and 10000
                                            # default: 5000
            result_queue_size:  100000      # optional, max number of messages from each scanner process
                                            # which are sent to result scanning queue, must be between 1000 and 1000000,
                                            # default: 100000

The functions performed by the scan task include the following:


Storage parameters are specified as the storage_parameters parameter fields. All storage parameters are divided into the following groups:

General parameters specify the path to the storage root, as well as the maximum size that can be allocated to all the objects of the cache:

        path:      "/var/cache/ccu/data"   # optional, base path for caches, default: /var/cache/ccu/data;
        max_size:  "1T"                    # optional ("unlimited", 0 or missed - unlimited),
                                           # maximum data size for all caches, possible suffixes are:
                                           # Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb or without trailing "b" just K, M, G, T, P

The parameters of a particular cache are specified as the storage_parameters/caches/<cache description> structure, for example:

    # ... skipping ...
            is_enabled:             yes    # optional (default yes), if value is "no" the cache definition
                                           # will not be used for loading data
    # ... skipping ...

specifies the cache description using the name.

Cache description

The parameter names will be based on the storage_parameters/caches/<cache description> parameter when describing cache parameters in this section.

The is_enabled parameter specifies whether objects will be loaded into the cache or not.


The cache statistics are specified in the statistics structure:

          group:              ""       # name of statistic's group
                                                  # all statistics in the same group is aggregated together
          collector:          local               # name of statistics collector

The statistics/group the parameter specifies the group where the cache operations will be taken account. The statistics/collector parameter specifies statistics collector, which will account for cache transactions.


For the online-loading, you need to specify the following parameters:

          collector:          "week_by_4_hours"   # name of collector which should be used
                                                  # for online processing
              interval:       24h                 # revalidating interval for particular cache item;
                                                  # could be used only for caches with "general" algorithm

The online/collector parameter specifies the collector name of the requested objects. The online/validating/interval parameter can only be used by the cache with general load algorithm and specifies the time interval defining how often the cache-stored object will be checked against its original.


The following parameters are used to specify the load rules:

          algorithm:          ""    # internal algorithm name
          required_weight:    3                # min URL's weight which is required to start loading, default 3
              matching:    # list of parameters for URL matching and rewriting;
                           # - the "key" item is used for unique identification of object;
                           # - the "target" item specifies target value for URL; usually target is used as 
                           #   as additional URL for loading
                           # - the "weight" item is used as weight addition, default 1;
                           # all items under "sources" are used as a source masks;
                           # the "key" and "target" can be omitted in this case
                           # the sources URLs will not be rewritten.
                           # it is necessary to have at least one URL in sources.
                           # It is possible to use in the key and target's expression variables from sources;
                           # See RE syntax on
                  -   key:        '\1'
                      weight:     1
                          - '^www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)'
                          - '^www\.youtube\.com/embed/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)'
              ignoring:    # list of regular expr. for ignoring urls
                  -        # default: all matched with matching parameters URLs will be processed
              loadable_rejecting:    # list of regular expr. for rejecting "real" urls
                                     # which is obtained according to particular URL
                                     # default: all "real" URLs will be processed
                                     # See RE syntax on
                  - "itag=(?!(18|22|140)(?![0-9]))"

The following parameters are used to specify the rules for storing objects:

          path:      "sites/"     # regard to "storage_parameters/general/path"
          levels:    "2:2"                   # optional, store files in subfolders created by leading symbols
                                             # of md5 sum of file name
                                             # possible values:
                                             #   "1"     - creating subfolder by the last symbol of md5 sum
                                             #   "2"     - creating subfolder by the last two symbols of md5 sum
                                             #   "1:2"   - creating subfolder by the last symbol of md5 sum
                                             #             and creating subfolder by 2th and 3th symbols 
                                             #             from the end of md5 sum inside
                                             #   "2:2"   - creating subfolder by the last two symbols of md5 sum
                                             #             and creating subfolder by 3th and 4th symbols
                                             #             from the end of md5 sum inside
          max_size:       "unlimited"        # optional ("unlimited", 0 or missed - general limit will be used),
                                             # maximum data size, possible suffixes are:
                                             # Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb or without trailing "b" just K, M, G, T, P
          expiry_time:    "30d"              # optional (0 or missed - unlimited), expiry time,
                                             # default in seconds (without suffix)
                                             # possible suffixes are:
                                             #   m   - minutes
                                             #   h   - hours
                                             #   d   - days

For cache objects, you can set constraints, for example:

      constraints:                          # optional, specifies constraints for loaded files
          min_file_size:    128k            # optional (default 0), min file size, possible suffixes are:
                                            # Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb or without trailing "b" just K, M, G, T, P
          max_file_size:    "unlimited"     # optional (default unlimited), max file size, possible suffixes are:
                                            # Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb or without trailing "b" just K, M, G, T, P
          # optional, command which should be executed after file loading; 
          # if command returns non-zero result, the loaded file will be assumed as invalid an will be removed;
          # the next variables could be used in the command:
          #   {cache_name}        - cache name
          #   {full_file_name}    - fully qualified file name
          post_load_validation:   "ft=`file -b {full_file_name}`; echo $ft; echo $ft | grep -E \"WebM|ISO Media|MPEG\" 2>/dev/null 1>&2"


It is possible to get caching of the the most frequently requested storage objects on an SSD, to do so you should define the following parameters:

# SSD caching parameters
    is_enabled:         no                      # enable or not SSD caching, by default SSD caching is disabled
    path:               "/var/cache/ccu/ssd"    # optional, base path for SSD caching area, default: /var/cache/ccu/ssd
                                                # NOTES:
                                                #   - to SSD caching you have to mount SSD on specified path (or create link /var/cache/ccu/ssd to mount point)
                                                #   - changes this parameter should be performed in cooperation with changes in web server configuration
                                                #     (it is recomended do not change this parameter)
    max_size:           128G                    # maximum data size for storing on SSD, possible suffixes are:
                                                # Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb or without trailing "b" just K, M, G, T, P
    required_weight:    10                      # optional, min URL's weight which is required to start caching, default 10
    uri_prefixes:                               # URI prefixes which are used in HTTP requests to access data
        ssd_cache_requests:     "/ssd"          # optional, prefix for requests to SSD cache, default: "/ssd"
        main_storage_requests:  "/cache"        # optional, prefix for requests to main storage, default: "/cache"
    frozen_time:        180                     # optional, interval of time in seconds after putting file into cache in which that
                                                # file cannot be replaced by another one, default: 3 * collecting window
                                                # frozen time cannot be less than collecting window
    collector:                      # the collector is used for aggregation of identical requests
                                    # and distributes them into time windows
        slots:          60          # optional, number of windows, could not be greater than 120, default 60
        window:         60          # optional, window size in seconds, could not be less than 60 secs, default 60
    workers:                        # the worker processes perform scan cache directories on demand;
                                    # each process sends information about found items to result queue
        parallel_workers:   2       # optional, number of parallel jobs, default 2
        job_queue_size:     5000    # optional, max number of messages in job queue, must be between 1000 and 10000
                                    # default: 5000
        result_queue_size:  100000  # optional, max number of messages from each process
                                    # which is sent to result queue, must be between 1000 and 1000000,
                                    # default: 100000

When setting parameters, you should pay attention to the number of working processes and the collector parameters.

Initial configuration

When installing ccu the /etc/ccu/ccu.conf.default configuration template file will be created. To get the proper configuration, you should copy the template file to /etc/ccu/ccu.conf and edit/check the value of at least the following parameters: