Table of Contents

IPFIX export

For Clickstream data analisys (subscribers' http requests) and SIP (VOIP unciphered data) on external systems IPFIX export is available.

A list of the correspondence between the Protocol and the port number in netfow5 can be found here.

Any universal IPFIX collector that accepts templates or the IPFIX Receiver utility is suitable for collecting information in IPFIX format.

To receive, process and store ClickStream, we suggest using the QoE Store software and DPIUI2 graphical interface.

If the link quality between SSG and NetFlow/IPFIX collector is insufficient, SSG skips sending some statistics to save performance. A message is displayed in fastdpi_alert.log when a chunk of information is skipped:

[NFLW] very long operation ….

Starting from version 12.0, the statistics for sending NetFlow/IPFIX information is now available (additional section in fastdpi_stat.log):

    [STAT    ][2022/11/20-17:55:03:213770] Statistics on NFLW_export : {a/b/c%/d/e}

    a - number of sending cycles
    b - number of sending cycles, when the time spent on sending exceeded the cycle execution period
    c - percentage of exceeding the number of sending cycles: 100 * b/a
    d - time of maximum sending cycle duration, microseconds
    e - time of the period of sending statistics, microseconds (''netflow_timeout'' parameter value (the parameter is set in seconds)).

    [STAT    ][2022/11/20-17:55:03:213770] Statistics on NFLW_export : {7/0/0.00%/45297us/30008163us}

ClickStream export Setup

Clickstream experts is configured by following parameters:



IPFIX format template for Clickstream

The format of IPFIX templates for IPV6 differs only in the IP_SOURCE and IP_DESTINATION fields.

Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1003 16 IPv6 43823 IP_SOURCE Sender address
1004 16 IPv6 43823 IP_DESTINATION Recipient address
IPFIX format template for Clickstream
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SOURCESender address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DESTINATIONRecipient address
1005 - string 43823 HOSTNAME/CNAME
1006 - string 43823 PATH
1007 - string 43823 REFER
1008 - string 43823 USER_AGENT
1009 - string 43823 COOCKIE
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
1010 8 int64 43823 LOCKED
1011 1 int8 43823 HOST_TYPE
1012 1 int8 43823 METHOD
1013 2 int16 43823 PORT_SOURCE Sender port
1014 2 int16 43823 PORT_DESTINATION Recipient port
2016 2 int16 43823 BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUMChannel number (vchannel) or bridge. If vchannel is configured in the DPI configuration, then the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number. Used in QoEStor.
1024 2 int16 43823 CipherSuitesLenSize in bytes of the set of available CipherSuites encryption methods in the Client Hello message
1025 - raw 43823 CipherSuitesCipherSuites array in Client Hello (max 16 values)
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels
2018 4 int32 43823 TCP Sequence


If the configuration parameter "http_parse_reply=1" is enabled, information from responses to requests will be additionally transmitted. You can associate them with responses by the session identifier SESSION_ID, taking into account the order.

Clickstream export template IPFIX format for HTTP responses1)
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SOURCE
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DESTINATION
1020 4 int32 43823 RESULT_CODE
1021 8 int64 43823 CONTENT_LENGTH
1022 - string 43823 CONTENT_TYPE
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
1023 - string 43823 LOCATION
2016 2 int16 43823 BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels

If the configuration parameter "ssl_parse_reply=1" is enabled, information from responses to requests will be additionally transmitted. You can associate them with responses by the session identifier SESSION_ID, taking into account the order.

Clickstream export template IPFIX format for responses over SSL/TLS, HTTPS2)
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SOURCE
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DESTINATION
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
1030 2 int16 43823 SSL_VERSION
1031 2 int16 43823 CIPHER_SUITE
1032 1 int8 43823 COMPRESSION_METHOD
2016 2 int16 43823 BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels
1011 1 int8 43823 type_host
1005 - string 43823 cname

Metadata Export Setting

Export of metadata of other protocols for SORM is configured by the following parameters



IPFIX metadata export template formats

SIP metadata export template IPFIX format
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SRC Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DST Recipient's address
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
3000 - string 43823 MSG_CODE
3001 2 int16 43823 STATUS_CODE
3002 - string 43823 URI Uniform Resource Identifier
3003 - string 43823 FROM
3004 - string 43823 TO
3005 - string 43823 CALLID
3006 - string 43823 UAGENT Client application
3007 - string 43823 CTYPE Type of content to be transmitted
3008 - string 43823 GATEWAYS
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels

GATEWAYS --- comma separated list of gateways (IP or hostname)

FTP Metadata Export Template IPFIX Format
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SRC Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DST Recipient's address
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
3050 - string 43823 SERVER_NAME
3051 - string 43823 USER
3052 - string 43823 PASSWORD
3053 1 int8 43823 MODE
1020 4 int32 43823 RESULT_CODE
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels

Note: the MODE field contains the FTP connection type 0 --- active, 1 --- passive

Messenger Metadata Export Template IPFIX Format (XMPP)
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SRC Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DST Recipient's address
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
3100 - string 43823 IM_LOGIN
3101 - string 43823 IM_PASSW
3102 - string 43823 IM_SCREEN_NAME
3103 - string 43823 IM_UIN Universal Internet number
3104 1 int8 43823 IM_PROTOCOL Type of protocol used
3105 - string 43823 IM_RECEIVERS
1020 4 int32 43823 RESULT_CODE
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels

Note: the IM_PROTOCOL field contains the type of protocol used: 0 --- ICQ, 7 --- XMPP, 106 --- ZELLO

IPFIX format of mail protocol metadata export template (POP, IMAP, SMTP)
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SRC Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DST Recipient's address
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
3150 - string 43823 MAIL_SENDER
3151 - string 43823 MAIL_RECEIVER
3152 - string 43823 MAIL_CC Recipient of the copy
3153 - string 43823 MAIL_SUBJECT
3154 - string 43823 MAIL_SERVERS
3155 - string 43823 MAIL_REPLY
3156 1 int8 43823 EVENT Event type
3157 1 int8 43823 ATTACHMENT Indication of attachment
3158 1 int8 43823 MAIL_PROTOCOL
1020 4 int32 43823 RESULT_CODE
58 2 int16 - VlanId VLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanID POST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels

Note: the EVENT field indicates the event type 1 --- send, 2 --- receive,
ATTACHMENT sign of an attachment, mail_protocol = 0 --- smtp, 1 --- pop3, 2 --- imap

The raw unparsed metadata export template IPFIX format
Size in bytes Type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SRC Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DST Recipient's address
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID
2013 1 int8 43823 FLW_DIR Directing the packet across interfaces
2014 1 int8 43823 DIR_DATA Forwarding a packet by session
2015 2 int16 43823 VDPI_PROTO The protocol that determined the DPI
2900 2 int16 43823 META_PROTO Internal protocol identifier
2901 - string 43823 RAW_DATA
4 1 int8 - protocolIdentifier PROTOCOL
7 2 int16 - sourceTransportPort
11 2 int16 - destinationTransportPort
6 2 int16 - tcpControlBits
2018 4 int32 - TCP Sequence
58 2 int16 - VlanIdVLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanIDPOST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels


Aggregating raw_data, clickstream, http_reply and ssl_reply with session data requires additional processing or executing a database query with the session_id key, or support in the rcollector utility.


DNS export is configured with the following settings:



The format of IPFIX templates for IPV6 differs in the format of the IP_SOURCE and IP_DESTINATION fields.

Number of bytes Data type IANA Description Note
1103 16 IPv6 43823 IP_SOURCE Sender's address
1104 16 IPv6 43823 IP_DESTINATION Recipient's address
DNS Export Template IPFIX Format
Number of bytes Data type IANA Description Note
1001 4 int32 43823 TIME_STAMP Timestamp
1002 - string 43823 LOGIN Log in
1003 4 IPv4 43823 IP_SOURCE Sender's address
1004 4 IPv4 43823 IP_DESTINATION Recipient's address
1013 2 int16 43823 SOURCE PORT
1014 2 int16 43823 DESTINATION PORT
2000 8 int64 43823 SESSION_ID Session ID
3200 1 int8 43823 UDP/TCP Transport: 0 --- UDP, 1 --- TCP
3201 - string 43823 DOMAIN
3202 2 int16 43823 RRCLASS
3203 2 int16 43823 RRTYPE
3204 4 int32 43823 TTL
3205 - raw 43823 RDATA
58 2 int16 - VlanId VLAN
59 2 int16 - postVlanID POST VLAN
56 6 mac_address - Source MAC Address
57 6 mac_adress - Destination MAC Address
2017 - raw 43823 MPLS Labels
2016 2 int16 43823 BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM Channel (vchannel) or bridge number. If vchannel is set in the DPI configuration, the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number will be transmitted

An alternative is to save the data in a local text log. Parameters:

Switching to the next file occurs when the file size reaches ajb_dns_fsize or the file is not empty and ajb_dns_ftimeout has passed

ajb_save_dns_format : format for writing to a text file

Default: ts:ssid:login:ipsrc:ipdst:psrc:pdst:transport:host:rrtype:rrclass:ttl:rdlen:rdata

for the IPv6 variant see difference above
for the IPv6 variant, see difference above