Installation Process


The software distribution consists of a DEB package intended for use with package managers in Debian-like OSs and an RPM package intended for package managers in RHEL-like OSs.
In addition to the main DEB/RPM software package, the distribution may contain additional DEB/RPM software packages, the presence of which is required for the correct installation of the main package.

Installation of Dependencies from OS Repository

The installation process involves installing the necessary software packages from the OS repository, additional software packages included in the distribution, and installing the main software package.
Software installation can be performed in supported OS distributions in various deployment scenarios: on a physical server, in a virtual machine, in a Docker container, as well as other execution environments, virtualization, or containerization environments.

Installation of Dependencies from OS Repository


apt -yqq install libmnl-dev
apt -yqq install libsctp-dev

Ubuntu in Docker:

apt -yqq install libmnl-dev
apt -yqq install libsctp-dev
apt -yqq install rsyslog
apt -yqq install iproute2


yum -yqq install lksctp-tools-devel
yum -yqq install libmnl-devel
dnf -yq --enablerepo=powertools install trousers-devel

CentOS in Docker:

yum -yqq install lksctp-tools-devel
yum -yqq install libmnl-devel
dnf -yq --enablerepo=powertools install trousers-devel
yum -yqq install rsyslog

Installation of Dependencies from Distribution Packages


dpkg -i libgtpnl*.deb


rpm -i libgtpnl*.rpm

Installation of Software from Distribution Package


dpkg -i <package_file>


rpm -i <package_file>