====== Installation ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} Watch a tutorial (english subs): {{youtube>-Nzh0jb2fyM?}} Before installing or upgrading, check your Internet connection. Make sure you run scripts as root or run it using sudo. Do not disable the standard firewall-cmd. The installation script uses it for self-configuration. To install or upgrade, run the script: [[https://vasexperts.ru/install/dpiui2-rpm_install.sh|dpiui2-rpm_install.sh]] sudo yum install wget sudo wget https://vasexperts.ru/install/dpiui2-rpm_install.sh sudo sh dpiui2-rpm_install.sh which installs the dpiui2 rpm package. All the needed settings will be done automatically according to your system current configuration. The installation process will install/update the following environment: - PHP >= 7.1 - MariaDB >= 10.2 - Apache - Composer - PHP SSH2 lib - Laravel/Lumen Required ports will be opened, as well as cron will be launched to perform background tasks on a schedule. The subsystem will be installed to the \\ /var/www/html/dpiui2/ directory After installation, type in your browser address bar: \\ https:/// **Attention!**:https is used (not http) The following account will be created by default: - Login - admin - Password - vasexperts