====== Using DPI for Lawful Interception ====== {{indexmenu_n>2}} The additional LI licenses purchase is needed eventually to serve increasing number of subscribers and increase of speed in billing plans.\\ Stingray Service Gateway (SSG) allows reduction of traffic that is mirrored to LI. This is achieved by filtering of components that LI does not analyze. For example: p2p (torrent), video traffic, etc. The expected traffic reduction is from 40% to 70%, depending on the traffic's structure and filtering list.\\ Pre-filter license purchase peculiarities:\\ * A FLTR, BASE or COMPLETE license is sufficient to perform traffic filtering. * The bandwidth of the license is determined by the total traffic, the rules are described in the [[dpi:licensing:start|]] section. The usage diagram:\\ {{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpi_prefilter:sorm_scheme1_en.png?600 |}} **Example 1: One interface per input and one per output (01-00.0 --> 01-00.1)** Define interface parameters in the configuration file ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf// in_dev=01-00.0 out_dev=01-00.1 only_tcp=0 mem_preset=1 Create the file protocols.dscp: echo "bittorrent drop" > protocols.txt cat protocols.txt|lst2dscp /etc/dpi/protocols.dscp [[dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics:statistics_info:start|Full list of protocols.]] **Check filtering results:** Execute tail -200 /var/log/dpi/fastdpi_stat.log In the statistics lines we find the percentage and volume of filtered traffic IF 01-00.0 : ... Drop: [8054507798 bytes][68.92 %] [9406449 pkts ][67.16 %] ... **Example 2: Two input interfaces and one to output (01-00.0 and 01-00.1) --> 01-00.2)** Define interface parameters in the configuration file ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf// in_dev=01-00.0:01-00.1 out_dev=01-00.2 only_tcp=0 mem_preset=1 **Check filtering results:** Execute tail -200 /var/log/dpi/fastdpi_stat.log In the statistics lines we find the percentage and volume of filtered traffic On 01-00.0 Drop: [29472283528 bytes] [69.20%] On 01-00.1 Drop: [31027588123 bytes] [68.27%] Configuration: root@dpi dpi]# dscp2lst / etc / protocols.dscp | grep drop https drop oob-ws-https drop llsurfup-https drop compaq-https drop jpegmpeg drop wap-push-https drop appserv-https drop wbem-https drop wbem-exp-https drop sun-sr-https drop plysrv-https drop pcsync-https drop https-wmap drop armcenterhttps drop tungsten-https drop amt-soap-https drop commtact-https drop Bittorrent drop AVI drop Flash drop MPEG drop QuickTime drop smc-https drop oracleas-https drop sun-user-https drop synapse-nhttps drop