The FastPCRF logs

FastPCRF logs its actions to the /var/log/dpi/ directory. Logs purposes:


The fastPCRF start/halt log. If there are any errors at the start/halt, you will see them in this log.


Log of authorization requests from the fastDPI (fastDPI → fastPCRF interaction):

  • errors occurred when connecting to the fastDPI;
  • fastDPI authorization requests traces;
  • traces of acounting data received from the fastDPI.

CoA log:

  • connections to CoA clients;
  • CoA requests receiving and processing

Interaction with Radius-authorization servers:

  • adding and removing of Radius servers;
  • Access-Request authorization requests;
  • Access-Accept/Reject responses

Accounting log:

  • adding and removing of accounting Radius servers;
  • internal accounting database maintenance;
  • subscriber accounting start/stop;
  • sending of of accounting data;

fastPCRF → fastDPI interaction log:

  • Connection to fastDPI using the control port;
  • Sending of authorization results to the VAS Experts DPI;
  • Sending of CoA requests to the VAS Experts DPI.

Internal fastPCRF statistics

  • memory allocation;
  • number of requests sent to the Radius and corresponding responses received;
  • CoA statistics;
  • statistics of connection with Radius servers and with fastDPI

FastPCRF periodically logs its internal statistics to this log.


The level of log detail is specified by the trace option in the fastpcrf.conf configuration file. The trace option is a bitmask, so each bit specifies the detailed logging of a subsystem:

  • 0x00000001 - connection monitor. Radius connection monitor. It monitors the connections activity, decides on switching to the backup Radius server if necessary.
  • 0x00000002 - task scheduler. Internal task scheduler
  • 0x00000010 - auth server is responsible for accepting authorization requests from the fastDPI(fastDPI → fastPCRF interaction)
  • 0x00000200 - radius_client connections. Detailed Access-Request and Access-Accept/Reject responses logging
  • 0x00000400 - radius_client monitor. Logging of Server-Status requests intended to check the Radius server operates and corresponding responses
  • 0x00001000 - CoA server. CoA events logging
  • 0x00002000 - CoA listener - establishing connections to CoA clients
  • 0x00004000 - CoA processor - detailed CoA requests logging
  • 0x00010000 - fdpi_ctl - logging of events of sending data to the fastDPI (fastPCRF → fastDPI interaction)
  • 0x00020000 - fdpi_crl FIFO - message queue events (the messages are sent from fastPCRF to fastDPI). CoA-requests being sent to all fastDPI-servers are queued.
  • 0x00100000 - logging of start/stop accounting sending
  • 0x00200000 - logging of interim update accounting sending

The trace optons can be used "on the fly": It is allowed to change its value on the fly by the following command: service fastpcrf reload