
The Clickstream1) information must be made available on DPI for media server for its correct operation. Please add the following settings to DPI configuration file /etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf:



  • cache_server is the address or the name of media server that sends a content to subscribers
  • ipfix_dev is the name of network interface that supports Clickstream data transmission in ipfix format
  • is the address and the port of ipfix collector on media server
  • cache_options=38 - 38 is a bit mask 100110 (38 in binary).

2 bits = 1 - do not redirect youtube (disabled as it does not work after YouTube had moved to https) 3 bits = 1 - do not redirect vk (disabled as it does not work after VK.COM had moved to https) 4 bits = 0 - redirect rutube 5 bits = 0 - redirect the remaining requests to the preloaded list of resources 6 bits = 1 - apply caching to all subscribers (except for those with the activated service. This means that in this case the service disables caching for certain subscribers) = 0 - apply caching only to subscribers with the activated service

Data uploading and cache control are handled by ccu (Cache Control Utility).

The command description for this utility is available via its 'help' command:

ccu help

Uploading of video files to media server's storage is performed automatically, based on settings in configuration file /var/cache/nginx/cs/.cs/cs.conf and Clickstream information received from DPI.

To start auto uploading service to file storage on media server:

service ccuo start

To stop auto uploading service:

service ccuo stop

The WEB interface on http://cache_server:8000/cs.html allows to check cache statistics. Here cache_server is ip address or the name of media server.

To start statitics service:

service ccum start

To stop statistics service:

service ccum stop

To restart file distribution service after upgrade:

service nginx restart

Execution of most of commands is logged into log files located in /var/log/ccu.

Media server's log files are stored in /var/log/nginx.

Clickstream - detailed information on browsing internet resources by the user