VASE-CLI — Command Line Interface for Managing the SSG Platform


VASE-CLI is a command shell for managing VAS Experts products and associated third-party products.
The shell consists of the modules main, fdpi, bird, kea, frad. More details can be found in the section Modules.

Installation and Update

Method 1. Run the script:

source <(curl

Method 2. Add the VASE repositories and execute:

yum install vase-cli

Updates are performed in the same ways as installation.


User and Group Management

To create and manage users, VASE-CLI must be run under the root user using the command vase-cli.

By default, the following user groups are created:

  • vase-cli-w — group with write permissions (users can edit files).
  • vase-cli-r — group with read-only permissions (users can only view files in the system).
  • tacacs0..tacacs15 — groups with write permissions for connecting authorization and accounting in TACACS+. These groups are used if TACACS+ is enabled — more details.

Creating a User with Write Permissions

adduser <username>
usermod -aG vase-cli-w <username>
usermod -s /usr/bin/vase-cli-shell <username>

Creating a User with Read Permissions

adduser <username>
usermod -aG vase-cli-r <username>
usermod -s /usr/bin/vase-cli-shell <username>

VASE-CLI Configuration

All settings are available in the file /etc/vase-cli/.env
Possible options are available in the file /etc/vase-cli/sample.env

There are also user settings available within VASE-CLI in the main module, managed through the config command. For a hint, type help.

TACACS+ Configuration

VASE-CLI has integration with the TACACS+ authorization server. If desired, you can connect authorization and accounting through TACACS+ in /etc/vase-cli/.env.
An example can be seen in /etc/vase-cli/sample.env.
An example of TACACS server configuration is found in /etc/vase-cli/tacacs_server.sample.conf.

For full support of TACACS+ (authorization of non-local users), it is recommended to install the package bngtacplus:
dnf install bngtacplus



The main module of VASE-CLI, included by default. This module provides management of the main capabilities of VASE-CLI (viewing configuration and log files, shell version).

Switch to the module — use main
Open the module help — help


Configuration setup for fastdpi and fastpcrf. In this module, you can transparently perform actions with fdpi_ctrl and fdpi_cli, work with files, manage services, subscribers, and policing, VAS Experts products: BRAS, DPI, NAT, DHCP.

Switch to the module — use fdpi
Open the module help — help


  • file system module
  • fdpi module
  • fastdpi management
  • subscribers management
  • policing management
  • services management
  • BRAS - subscribers management
  • BRAS - DHCP/DHCP6 management
  • BRAS - PCRF management
  • BRAS - PPPoE management
  • VLAN translation management
  • DPI utils
  • DPI nat
  • DSCP prioritization


Configuration setup and action requests in bird and bird netns.

Switch to the module — use bird
Open the module help — help


  • module config
  • module config reload and restart
  • bird configure commands
  • bird commands
  • bird netns commands
  • module logs


Configuration setup and action requests in kea4 and kea6.

Switch to the module — use kea
Open the module help — help


  • IPv4 dhcp-leases control
  • IPv6 dhcp-leases control
  • module config
  • module config reload and restart
  • module logs


Manage Radius proxy based on freeRadius - view and edit freeradius configuration.

Switch to the module — use frad
Open the module help — help