or rx_dispatcher=2
The non-blocking dispatch algorithm in DPI, which distributes sessions across worker threads, imposes a limitation on which public IP address can be assigned to a subscriber from the pool:
expr $(ps -p `pidof fastdpi` H -o comm | grep wrk | wc -l) / $(ps -p `pidof fastdpi` H -o comm | grep rx | wc -l)
You can see which public address has been assigned to a private one with the command
fdpi_ctrl list status --service 11 --ip
. In NAT 1:1, the public address is allocated immediately upon service assignment; in CG-NAT, it is allocated at the start of the session. The assigned public address is also reported in Radius Accounting for billing logging purposes.
Predicting the exact address that will be assigned to a subscriber from the pool in advance is impossible; it depends on various factors, particularly the current pool load.
Indeed, the session lifetime in NAT is limited because the number of sessions per subscriber is a limited resource, and a large number of inactive sessions in the pool reduces NAT and overall performance.
NAT cannot distinguish whether a session became inactive due to an accident or simply because there is no activity, and it closes such long-hanging sessions by inactivity timeout. This behavior is standard and supported by most CG-NAT manufacturers.
In SSG, session lifetimes can be adjusted with the following parameters:
— lifetime in seconds of inactive TCP sessionslifetime_flow=60
— lifetime in seconds of other sessions
To maintain long inactive connections, it is recommended to use the tcp keep-alive
mechanism, where an empty packet is periodically sent in the session, signaling that the session is still active.
You can configure tcp keep-alive
both individually for the application on the server or client side and at the operating system level for all applications.
Example configuration on the ssh server: add the line to the /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ServerAliveInterval 60
Example configuration on the ssh client: add the lines to the ~/.ssh/config
Host * ServerAliveInterval 60
or in the command line:
ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=60 user@example.com
Example configuration for all applications in CentOS: add the lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 600 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 20
By default, 64512 ports (65535-1023, as the first 1024 ports are not used because they are system ports) are available for CG-NAT on one public IP. Each port represents one TCP session and one UDP. The number of sessions created by subscribers varies: individuals create fewer sessions, while corporate users create more (thus, corporate users should use a separate pool with different session limits). A subscriber with torrents can create up to 1000 sessions at peak.
On average, an individual creates 50-60 simultaneous sessions, meaning 64512/60=1075 individuals can be hidden behind one private IP. However, such significant oversubscription is not recommended in practice, as many popular services (mail, video, search) use IP address-based botnet attack protection. If too many requests come from one address, they may be considered an attack and block some requests or enable captcha, causing inconvenience to subscribers.
Also, consider the feature of port release mechanism in the NAT Pool:
Recommendations for creating and operating NAT Pools:
fdpi_ctrl load profile --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_2000 --profile.json '{ "nat_ip_pool" : "", "nat_tcp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_udp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_type" : 0 }'
Use the pool creation command identical to the previous one but with different nat_tcp_max_sessions
and nat_udp_max_sessions
fdpi_ctrl load profile --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_2000 --profile.json '{ "nat_ip_pool" : ",", "nat_tcp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_udp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_type" : 0 }'
Use the pool creation command identical to the previous one but with an additional pool specified by a comma.
For convenience, install jq (a utility for working with JSON data):
yum install epel-release yum-utils yum-config-manager --disable epel yum --enablerepo epel install jq
Then save the information about the subscribers of the current pool, delete and recreate the pool, and reconnect the subscribers:
fdpi_ctrl list all --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 --outformat json | jq '.lservices[] | .login | select(. != null)' > save_users.txt fdpi_ctrl list all --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 --outformat json | jq -r '.lservices[] | .ipv4 | select(. != null)' >> save_users.txt fdpi_ctrl del all --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 fdpi_ctrl del profile --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 fdpi_ctrl load profile --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 --profile.json '{ "nat_ip_pool" : "", "nat_tcp_max_sessions" : 4000, "nat_udp_max_sessions" : 4000, "nat_type" : 0 }' fdpi_ctrl load --service 11 --profile.name test_nat_4000 --file save_users.txt
Do not forget to change the pool name and its new parameters in the commands to the ones you need.
If a subscriber has only one private address and it is necessary to assign a specific public address to the subscriber, the dependency between the private and public addresses must be considered, which is imposed by the non-blocking address dispatching algorithm in DPI.
subscriber_public_address & mask = subscriber_private_address & mask
where the mask depends on the number of working threads:
In fact, for older versions of SSG, subscribers with even private addresses should be assigned even public addresses, and subscribers with odd private addresses should be assigned odd public addresses. Only the last byte NNN in the IP address XXX.YYY.ZZZ.NNN needs to be considered.
Accordingly, for newer versions, the equality of the 2 least significant bits of the IP address should be considered.
With one working thread, the dependency between the addresses disappears.
The exact mask value can be found in the DPI log:
grep nat_hash_mask /var/log/dpi/fastdpi_alert.log
If the service has been running for a long time, perform a reload:
service fastdpi reload
Example for SSG-20:
A subscriber with a private address of needs to be assigned a public address of
15&3=3 equals 27&3=3 - this means that the address can be assigned (otherwise, either the private address assigned to the subscriber or the public address intended for the subscriber would need to be changed).
Assign the address to the subscriber with the command:
fdpi_ctrl load profile --ip --service 11 --profile.json '{ "nat_ip_pool" : "", "nat_type" : 1 }'
1. The pools in the profile must be of the same size 1). Correct:
type_profile=1, ref_cnt=0 d3 { "nat_ip_pool" : ",", "nat_tcp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_udp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_type" : 0 } 11 (0x400)
type_profile=1, ref_cnt=0 d3 { "nat_ip_pool" : ",", "nat_tcp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_udp_max_sessions" : 2000, "nat_type" : 0 } 11 (0x400)
2. For subscribers who are blocked, a different profile with different pools should be applied. Many network devices, when blocked, can generate a large number of requests, leading to the consumption of free ports on the public address.
3. Check the uniformity of the distribution of private addresses across public addresses in the profile.
fdpi_ctrl list all status --service 11 --profile.name nat_pool |grep whiteip|cut -f7|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
4. Check the number of subscribers using ports beyond the value of the $P variable. On average, a subscriber uses about 600 ports.
fdpi_ctrl list all status --service 11 --profile.name nat_pool | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[=| }\t]+"} $15>$P {print $1, $14, $15}' | wc -l
5. Check how the addresses are distributed across pools (subnets) in the profile.
fdpi_ctrl list all status --service 11 --profile.name nat_pool |grep whiteip|cut -f7|cut -d"." -f1,2,3|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
or rx_dispatcher=2